
  • 网络social indicator
  1. 亚太区域儿童和妇女社会指标训练讲习班

    Training Workshop on Social Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia-Pacific Region

  2. 汇编关于妇女境况的社会指标

    Compiling Social Indicators on the Situation of Women

  3. 有的学者提出将目前的GDP指标改为绿色GDP指标,即在现有的GDP指标基础上加上一些环保和社会指标。

    Some scholars put forward changing the present GDP index into green GDP index , namely , add some environmental protection and social index on the basis of existing GDP index .

  4. 全面小康社会指标与性别平等

    The Index to an Overall Moderately Prosperous Society and Gender Equality

  5. 小康社会指标体系、评估方法

    The Indicator System of the Well-off Society and the Evaluating Method

  6. 资源型城市全面小康社会指标体系研究

    A Research into the Well-off Society Index System for Resource Cities

  7. 关于全面小康社会指标体系的探讨

    Research on the index system about a well-off society in an all-round way

  8. 节能型社会指标体系初步设计

    Preliminary design of index system for energy conservation society

  9. 社会主义和谐社会指标体系构建原则探研

    Exploration into the Establishment Principle of Index System of the Harmonious Socialist Society

  10. 全面小康社会指标评价体系

    The Index-Evaluation System of a Comprehensively Well-Off Society

  11. 节能型社会指标体系研究(工业、政策、观念部分)

    Study on Index System of Energy Conservation Society ( Industry , Policy and Ideology )

  12. 中国2000年城乡小康社会指标实证分析与比较

    Practical Analysis And Comparison Of Xiao Kang Society 's Standard In 2000 Year In China

  13. 可持续发展视角下的两型社会指标体系研究

    Research on the Index System of the Two-oriented Society in the Perspective of Sustainable Development

  14. 他比较了若干社会指标诸如谋杀率、人工流产率、自杀率以及少女怀孕率。

    He compared social indicators such as murder rates , abortion , suicide and teenage pregnancy .

  15. 基于模糊物元理论的小康社会指标体系综合评价模型

    Model of Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of a Moderately Prosperous Society Based on the Fuzzy Matter-element Theory

  16. 新疆全面建设小康社会指标的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Index for Building a Well-off Society in an All-round Way in Xinjiang

  17. 因为虽然在社会指标方面取得了显著的进步,但妇女和女童在经济上仍然很落后。

    Because despite the enormous progress achieved in social indicators , women and girls still lag behind economically .

  18. 以科学发展观完善江苏全面建设小康社会指标体系

    Construction of Index System of Fairly Comfortable Life in Jiangsu Province , China : The Inspiration of Scientific Development Viewpoint

  19. 【中英文摘要】新型农村合作医疗覆盖率是农村小康社会指标的一个方面。

    The rate of cooperative medical service in rural areas is one part of the well-off society evaluation Indicator system .

  20. 去年9月,世界银行撰文称:(突尼斯)在均衡增长、消除贫穷和实现良好社会指标方面取得显著进展。

    In September , the World Bank wrote of remarkable progress on equitable growth , fighting poverty and achieving good social indicators .

  21. 一项指数,往往建立在某个或某几个含糊且随意性很强的“社会指标”的基础上。

    An index tends to be based on some murky and often arbitrary ' social indicator ' or a cocktail of several such indicators .

  22. 过去十年间,诸如保健和教育等针对妇女和女童的社会指标已在发展中国家得到了大幅改善。

    Social indicators for women and girls , such as healthcare and education , have significantly improved in developing countries over the last decade .

  23. 社会指标体系建构的过程实质上就是从理论到模型再到指标的逐步操作化的过程。

    The process of the construction of social indicator system is essentially the gradual operation process from theories to models and then to indicators .

  24. 20世纪60年代兴起于美国的社会指标运动为非物化社会现象的定量研究开辟了可行之路。

    The social quota movement which started in the USA in 1960s built the road for the quantitative study of the non-substance 's social phenomena .

  25. 文中尝试运用社会指标法,来测评不同所有制企业员工的幸福感的高低。

    This text tries to use the social index law to test and assess the level of the staffs happiness sense of different ownership enterprises .

  26. 在综合分析经济、环境和社会指标的基础上,提出了评判循环经济发展状况的综合指标&循环经济发展度。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis of economy , environment and social indicators , the paper proposed comprehensive indicator to judge circular economy development & circular economy development degree .

  27. 化疗后心理指标、社会指标较化疗前、化疗中明显升高(P<0.05或P<0.001)。

    Both psychological and social indexes of patients after chemotherapy were obviously higher than that of before and during therapy ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.001 ) .

  28. 例如在1906年至1973年间由澳大利亚管理的巴布亚新几内亚,该国许多社会指标正在下滑,暴力色彩也日趋浓重。

    In Papua New Guinea , for example , administered by Australia from 1906 to 1973 , many of the social indicators are heading down and it is becoming increasingly violent .

  29. 2010年的这些排名是基于71个经济和社会指标的指数,如新专利,移动电话用户和风险投资的实用性。

    These rankings , for2010 , are based on an index of71 economic and social indicators , as diverse as new patents , mobile phone subscriptions and availability of venture capital .

  30. 农业可持续发展的指标体系包括生产指标、经济指标、生态指标、社会指标;指出评价方法和评价结果的应用价值。

    It brought out the index system of production , economy , ecology and society for appraising development of sustainable agriculture and appraising methods and applied value of the result of the appraisal .