
  • 网络the social credit system
  1. 信用缺失与中国社会信用体系重构

    Lack in Trustworthiness & Reconstruction of China 's Social Credit System

  2. 刍议建立我国的社会信用体系

    Discuss On the Set up Social Credit System in Our Country

  3. 建立健全社会信用体系若干问题的探讨

    Discussion about Some Problems of Establishing a Sanity Social Reputation System

  4. 政府推进社会信用体系建设的对策取向

    The Government Advances the Social Credit System Construction the Countermeasure Orientation

  5. 电子政务与社会信用体系建设

    E - government and Construction of the Social Credit System

  6. 论政府在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Role of Government to Play in Constructing Social Credit System

  7. 论民事强制执行与社会信用体系之关联

    On the Relation of the Civil Case Enforcement and the Credit System

  8. 信用体系信用内生机制与我国社会信用体系构建

    Endogenous Reputation Mechanism and Social Reputation System Construction in China

  9. 略论行业协会是构建中国社会信用体系的重要力量

    Profession association playing an important role in constructing China social credit system

  10. 我国社会信用体系缺失及其对策

    Shortage of Social Credibility System in China and its Countermeasures

  11. 社会信用体系&分层结构及体系构建中的政府职能定位

    Social Credit System & Government Roles in a Tiered Structure

  12. 加快建立社会信用体系。

    We should speed up the establishment of a social credibility system .

  13. 社会信用体系建设:概念、框架与路径选择

    Construction of Social Credit System : Concept , Framework and Path Selection

  14. 北京如何打造社会信用体系

    Ways to Create the Social Credibility System in Beijing

  15. 政府在社会信用体系建构中的责任研究

    The Government Responsibility in Constructing the Social Credit System

  16. 当前,必须进行四个方面的配套改革:不断完善社会信用体系,营造发展民营银行良好的信用环境;

    Four related reforms must be carried out recently .

  17. 三阳光政府领导的社会信用体系建设必将取得成功。

    " Sunshine Government " will succeed in the social credit system construction .

  18. 论社会信用体系的建立及其法律保障

    The Establishment and Legal Guarantee of Social Credit System

  19. 社会信用体系是社会主义市场经济的基础。

    The credit system in society is the groundwork of socialist market economy .

  20. 关于构建中国社会信用体系的思考

    Consideration About The Formation Of Chinese Social Credit System

  21. 当前社会信用体系建设的几个着力点

    Key Points in Establishing Credit System in Current Society

  22. 社会信用体系建设与国家开发银行商业化转型

    Construction of Social Credit System and Commercial Reform of Development Bank of China

  23. 一个社会信用体系的建立是多方面合力的作用。

    The establishment of social credit system is the function of various forces .

  24. 中国特色社会信用体系型塑探微

    Plain Discussion on the Construction of the Social Credit System with Chinese Characteristics

  25. 这些因素有:法律环境、人力资源、社会信用体系。

    These factors include : laws environment , human resources , social credit system .

  26. 关于构建我国社会信用体系的研究

    Study on Society Credit System Construction in China

  27. 论档案行政管理部门在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Discussion on the roles of archive administration in the construction of social credit system

  28. 消费信贷与社会信用体系建设探讨

    Making an Inquiry About the Establishment of Our Consumer Credit and Social Credit System

  29. 网络环境下我国社会信用体系建设的研究

    Building the Social Credit System Under Internet Circumstances

  30. 近几年来,社会信用体系建设受到各界的广泛关注。

    Recent years , the society paid close attention to the social credit system .