
shè huì jù lí
  • social distance
  1. 新近认知神经科学的研究已经逐渐开始探讨社会距离(如朋友vs陌生人)对公平加工的影响,但关于社会距离的另一种形式&群际关系的研究仍然比较匮乏。

    Recently , the cognitive neuroscience researches have designed experiments to examine the influence of social distance ( e.g. , friend vs stranger ) on social fairness process . However , as another form of social distance , intergroup relationships still have not been studied fully .

  2. 汉语中礼节性邀请策略与社会距离的关联性研究

    Co-relations between Ostensible Invitation Strategies and Social Distance in Chinese

  3. 社会距离和社会权利影响社会关系。

    Chinese relations are decided by social power and social distance .

  4. 报刊杂志广告中用面子技巧进行社会距离操纵的分析

    On Social Distance Manipulation Through Face Management in Newspaper & Magazine Advertisements

  5. 居住形态、外来人口聚居情况也对社会距离产生影响。

    Inhabitancy configuration and collective inhabitation work on social distance .

  6. 研究证明,工具理性关系与社会距离负相关。

    The research tells us social distance has negative correlation with utilitarian relationship .

  7. 个体对社会距离更敏感。

    Individuals are more sensitive to the social distance .

  8. 本研究探讨了有关师生社会距离的若干问题。

    The study explores some problems in social distance between teachers and students .

  9. 论文认为,传统的社会距离研究存在着三方面的局限和缺陷。

    The dissertation suggests that there are three defects in traditional social distance study .

  10. 社会距离是指社会客体与个体自我差异的大小,反映了基于社会变量或社会网络的相似性或亲近度。

    Social distance refers to the differences of social object and individual in size .

  11. 市民与农民工的社会距离:一个制度分析(英文)

    The social distance between urban residents and migrant workers : an institutional analysis ;

  12. 数据分析证明,关系网络规模越大,社会距离越小。

    The analysis shows that the more size of network , the less social distance .

  13. 解释水平理论中将社会距离作为心理距离的一种表现形式。

    Social distance is seen as a dimension of psychological distance in construal level theory .

  14. 假设三、工具性关系缩小了社会距离,情感投入关系也缩小社会距离。

    The third hypothesis is that utilitarian and emotional relationship both can reduce social distance .

  15. 第二、从本地人和外地人双向对社会距离进行全面分析,弥补以往单向度社会距离研究之不足。

    Secondly , it is a bidirectional research on outlanders ' and natives ' social distance .

  16. 第三、将弱关系网络引入社会距离分析,从社会网络角度对社会距离进行分析的阐述。

    Thirdly , it makes use of weak ties and ego central network to explain social distance .

  17. 波格达社会距离量表

    Bogardus Social Distance Scale

  18. 通婚意愿是检验群体关系及社会距离状况敏感化的变量。

    Marriage wishs could be regarded as a variable for reflecting social group relations and social distance state .

  19. 当然,礼貌原则的级别性也是相对的,它与会话参与者之间的社会距离、权势关系有关。

    The gradations of politeness , however , depend on many factors , such as social relation , authority .

  20. 他们具有一定的城市融入度,表现为与市民间社会距离有所减小。

    They have a certain degree of urban inclusion , displaying the social distance decreased between them and citizen .

  21. 假设二、居住空间表达了政治经济秩序对社会距离产生影响。

    The second hypothesis is that urban space expresses political and economic order , and then infects social distance .

  22. 笔者对国内外学者关于并购整合理论、社会距离理论、知识转移理论的研究进行了综述。

    The author reviews the theorys on the merger integration , social distance theory , theory of knowledge transfer .

  23. 不对称的社会距离&对苏州市本地人与外地人的关系网络和社会距离的初步研究

    A Dissymmetrical Social Distance & A Study of Natives ' and Outlanders ' Social Network and Social Distance in Suchou

  24. 本文对于奥运会会徽的多模态话语分析,主要分析其互动意义,而涉及到的分析元素包括:接触、社会距离、视角和情态。

    The four elements of VG related to the interactive meanings include contact , social distance , perspective and modality .

  25. 融入还是隔离?&公立学校流动人口子女与城市学生社会距离实证研究

    Integration or Isolation ? An Empirical Study of Social Distance between the Migrant Children and Urban Students in Public Schools

  26. 社会距离既可以表示阶级之间差别,也可表示人际、群际关系的亲疏程度。

    Difference between social distance can be said class , also can say the closeness degreeof interpersonal , intergroup relations .

  27. 在实施请求行为时,话语双方的权势,年龄,性别和社会距离往往成为考虑的因素。

    When making requests , people often take into consideration such factors as power , age , gender and social distance .

  28. 对初中生师生社会距离影响因素的探索是本研究的重点。

    Exploring the influence factors to social distance between teachers and students in junior high school is the key of my study .

  29. 确切地说,在研究图像模式时采取了视觉语法的分析框架,即从接触、社会距离、视角和情态四方面加以分析。

    To put it specifically , the visual resources are studied in terms of visual contact , social distance , perspective and modality .

  30. 除了考察起始部分的两个项目,我们还分析了影响冲突性话语起始部分的两个因素,矛盾存在状态和对话双方的社会距离。

    We analysed two factors , the state of contradictions and the social distance , which effect the initial part of conflict talk .