
  • 网络social presence
  1. 社会临场感是临场感理论创建的最初概念,由此演化成了传播学理论的一个重要研究分支。

    Social presence is the original concept of presence theory , and it developed an important niche in communications Theory .

  2. 尽管在通常情况下,领导者都希望自己像性格外向的人那样拥有更强的社交能力和社会临场感。

    As a general rule though , extroverts tend to have a higher capacity for sociability and social presence , which are traits often sought after in leaders .

  3. 在网络课程中,非语言表达仍然能够传递丰富的信息,尤其善于传递情感和态度信息,增加学习者的社会临场感。

    In online courses , non-verbal expression is still able to pass a wealth of information , especially feelings and attitudes , which increase the learners ' social presence .

  4. 同时研究还提出并验证了社会资本与声誉和社会临场感之间的交互作用。

    In the meanwhile , the interaction effect between social capital and reputation and social presence is proposed and tested .