
  1. 镇通过对村庄社会公共权力、经济生活的管理与渗透,在一定程度上仍保持着对村的管理与控制。

    Townremains the right power of controlling and management to a certain extent by managing andinfiltrating village 's public power and economic life .

  2. 权力是具有社会公共权力的人或政治集团,指挥、支配,控制他人或群体按照自己意志行事的特殊力量,是维系社会协调、持续发展的特殊工具。

    Authority is the special power of person or political group with social public authority to guide , arrange and control other person or group to do things following its willingness , and it is the special tool maintaining the continuous development and coordination of the society .

  3. 商业贿赂的本质是寻租,商业寻租现象的社会根源在于公共权力的异化和行业垄断。

    The essence of business bribe is rent-seeking ; the social source of whose phenomenon lies in the dissimilation of public power and industry monopoly .

  4. 市场经济、和谐社会与国家公共权力之间存在天然的矛盾,法治则是解决这种天然矛盾的最佳途径。

    There naturally exists contradiction among the market economy , harmonious society and national public power . Government by law is the unique way to solve this contradiction , best route to rule by law .

  5. 发展公民参与公共决策,使社会公众平等享用公共权力,是现代社会公民的基本权利和自由,它体现了人类最基本的需要。

    Citizen participation in public decision-making , citizens have equal access to public power , is the fundamental rights and freedoms .

  6. 在社会转型与公共教育权力转移的背景中,教育政策活动范式和教育政策分析范式的转变是一个根本性的问题。

    It is presently a foundational issue to reconstruct the activity and analysis paradigms of educational policy against the general background of social structure change and public educational power shift .

  7. 在市场经济条件下,行政合同作为政府管理的一种手段,其核心价值目标是在社会公共领域避免行政权力单方性,实现公共利益与私人利益的平衡和协调。

    In market economy , government contract , as a means of administration , is expected to mediate and conciliate the interests between the public and private and to restrain the ever-expanding administrative power .

  8. 社会转型引发公共教育权力的转移,政府职能转变和市场机制的发展成为影响我国中小学学校制度变迁的关键性因素。

    In the process of social mode transition , the change of government 's functions and the development of the market mechanism are the key factors affecting the system transition of primary and secondary schools in China .

  9. 腐败在不同的学科,学者对其有不同的定义,当前对待腐败概念的认识出现了泛化现象,但社会公职人员利用公共权力谋取私利应该是腐败的应有之义。

    Scholars of different discipline have different definitions of corruption . Nowadays , there is an expanding phenomenon when people understanding the definition of corruption , but the problem that public officers taking advantage of duty should be included into the meaning of corruption .

  10. 职务犯罪是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,是社会公共权力异化的结果。

    Crimes by taking advantages of duty ( simply called duty crimes ) are products of the development of the human society .

  11. 受贿犯罪是国家公职人员利用职务而实施的犯罪,是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,是社会公共权力异化的结果。

    The crime of bribery is the national public officials in the office and the implementation of the crime , is a product of human society developed to a certain stage , is the result of social public power alienation .

  12. 根据社会契约论,现代政府是与社会分离的公共权力机构,而人民与政府的关系就是公共权力的政治委托代理关系。

    According to the theory of social contract , modern government is an organization which is separated from the society and executes common-rights . The relation between the people and the government is the political principal-agent relation for the common rights .

  13. 但随着我国社会结构和所有制形式的变化、社会自治领域的形成,社会价值观念趋于多元化,警察的社会管理职能及其公共权力的特征日益凸现。

    With the change of scheme of society and pattern of ownership , social values tend to be pluralized and police 's social administration function and public power feature become more and more obvious .

  14. 论文主要从分析社会结构入手,指出不论是两分法、三分法,还是四分法,公共领域都是指一个处于国家与社会之间对公共权力机构进行监督和制约的公共空间。

    The paper mainly obtains from the social structure , which points out dichotomy , trichotomy and quartation .

  15. 随着社会发展,行政权力开始分化,并向社会公共主体尤其是非政府组织进行转移,使得大量的非政府组织参与到公共行政事务中来,社会公共主体享有行政权力主体性地位。

    With the social developing , the administrative power began to differentiate and transfer to the public especially the non-governmental organizations , as the result , a large number of non-governmental organizations involved in public administration affairs , pushing the social public body become administrative power bodies .