
shè huì xí sú
  • Social customs;social convention;social usage
  1. 他对社会习俗一无所知。

    He is totally ignorant of social usage .

  2. 科举是明清时期的主要标识,一切社会心理、社会习俗、社会活动都与科举保持着密切联系。

    The imperial examination is the main marking of the Ming and Qing Dynasties time . All the social psychology , the social usage , the social activity related closely with the imperial examination .

  3. 男人不穿裙子只是一种社会习俗。

    It 's just a social convention that men don 't wear skirts

  4. 回首50年代,那时社会习俗要求男模不能脱掉所有衣服。

    Back in the Fifties , social convention required that males models keep their kit on .

  5. 那不符合社会习俗。在那个年代,养家的应该是男人。

    It was not the done thing . In those days the man was supposed to be the provider .

  6. 他的行为与社会习俗相左。

    His behaviour doesn 't conform to the customs of society .

  7. 他轻视所有的社会习俗。

    He sets at naught every convention of society .

  8. 令人惊讶的是,这些人基本上是按照自己的法律和社会习俗生活的。

    Surprisingly , these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs .

  9. 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。法乃善良公平之道。

    Law is the crystalization of the habit and thought of society . Law is the science of what is good and just .

  10. 但不同的文化背景和社会习俗导致了人类语言的千差万别,汉语双声、迭韵与英语alliteration和assonance既有共性,又存在着跨文化差异。

    However , different cultural backgrounds and social customs give rise to the immense variety of human languages . There exist not only similarities but also differences between Chinese alliteration assonance and English alliteration assonance .

  11. 而另一些评论者则表示,文化和社会习俗的壁垒才是女性事业成功的拦路虎。

    Other commentators say cultural and institutional barriers hinder female success .

  12. 对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。

    It is silly to is a slave to social convention .

  13. 她的拒绝遵从(正常的社会习俗)

    Her refusal to conform ( to the normal social conventions )

  14. 他们重新回复到较能为社会习俗所接受的生活方式上来。

    They went back to more conventionally acceptable ways of life .

  15. 不符合法律,道德规律,或社会习俗。

    Not conforming to legality , moral law , or social convention .

  16. 男子穿套装是一种社会习俗。

    It is the convention for men to wear suits .

  17. 这些民族的社会习俗和文化传统大不相同。

    The social institutions and cultural traditions of these peoples differed greatly .

  18. 乙方应尊重中国的道德规范和社会习俗。

    Party B shall respect Chinese moral standards and customs .

  19. 过去三十年在社会习俗上有很大的改变。

    The last thirty years have seen great changes in social mores .

  20. 大多数人都愿意遵循社会习俗。

    Most people be willing to conform to the custom of society .

  21. 可是她真希望这令人厌恶的社会习俗彻底的毁灭!

    But how she wished stuffy social convention to damnation !

  22. 多数人愿意遵从社会习俗。

    Most people willingly conform to the customs of society .

  23. 她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。

    She refused to conform to the normal social conventions .

  24. 人类设计的产品&社会习俗;

    Social conventions that are a product of human design ;

  25. 越轨违背或践踏礼节或社会习俗。

    A breach or overstepping of propriety or social convention .

  26. 有时对我来说适应北欧的社会习俗是十分困难的。

    Sometimes it is hard for me to adjust to norweigan social ettiquet .

  27. 社会习俗及行为方式正在发生改变。

    Social customs and ways of behaving are changing .

  28. 与此同时,设计必须符合中国法律和社会习俗。

    Meanwhile , the design must accord with Chinese laws and social conventions .

  29. “人性”在很大程度上因社会习俗的不同而不同。

    Human nature varies considerably with the social institutions .

  30. 她反抗社会习俗,拒绝结婚。

    She rebelled against convention and refused to marry .