- 网络Social unrest

Economic conditions may lie responsible for the creation of social unrest .
Commentators have said Zhou 's and Meng 's statements are indicative of the central government 's growing concern that the financial crisis could spark further social unrest .
The social malaise caused by years of poverty .
The country , in short , has a dwindling supply of the demographic stock most likely to stir unrest : young , unemployed and unmarried men , still living at home with their families .
He said that if polyandry is legalized , it would be a perfect solution to solve the 30 million single men 's sexual needs , which he believed will be the most important factor in igniting social unrest .
The civil unrest that I believe is inevitable in the event of another terrorist strike .
The International Atomic Energy Agency is holding a two-day meeting to examine reports on the alleged nuclear activities of Iran and Syria , both of which has sparked international concern .
IN A country where bouts of inflation have triggered social unrest , the jump in China 's inflation rate to a12-year high of8.7 % in February is cause for concern .
The death of the king fluttered the dovecotes .
Is this kind of behaviour indicative of a general malaise in modern society ?
There is significant difference in gender between Discomfort about physique and Anxious about social self-presentation comparison .
The problem of land in history was always the root of turbulences and confusions of whole society .
Facing so rapid growth of lawsuits , our country which is in the primary stage of socialism , will has instable and not harmonious factors .
If social unrest continues and food prices keep rising , then everyone living in this world , no matter which country they are in , will be affected .
The Polish people are anxious to see the new government work out an efficient economic program so as to pull the Polish economy out of its present predicament as soon as possible .
I am victim of that most insidious social diseases : shoppers ' malaise .
We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time .
Now we draw a conclusion that the natural disasters in the QianLong reign cause turbulence and unrest .
Also , the apocalyptic and oracular tone provides the spectators with a glimpse of the anxiety and inquietude penetrating current Japanese society .
It will itself generate a mixture of labour-shedding with falling nominal wages – a recipe for unemployment , unrest and creditor unease .
The quality of College student cadres directly reflects the quality of talents trained in Colleges and universities . Nowadays , College education reform is deepening , while factors affecting social volues is increasing .
Open networks , free flows of information , and the ability for scientific and technological innovations to cause public discomfort to established social and political structures are the very stuff of innovation in the post-industrial age .
Through to the victim compensation or make up for in order to reduce social unrest and unstable , promote the development of harmonious society .
As the core of commercial bank risk , risk of nonperforming loans showed not only affects commercial banks to achieve business goals lead to reputation , also affect the social and economic benefits to form social risk , eventually lead to social unrest and .