
  • 网络social object
  1. 态度(Attitude)是个体对特定社会客体以一定方式做出反应时所持有的稳定的、评价性的内部心理倾向,群众的社会态度直接或者间接的与各种冲突的发生存在着一定的内在联系。

    Attitude is the stable and appraise disposition inside mentally , which is held by individual when he respond to a specific social object with certain way . There exist some inner link between the social attitude and kinds of conflict , directly or indirectly .

  2. 不同客体的可靠性不同,文章主要分析了自然客体、社会客体、个人客体的可靠性。

    The papers mainly analyze the reliability of nature object social object and individual object .

  3. 第二,费孝通完成了从社会客体到社会本体这一认识论的转变。

    Second , Fei finished his changes from the community to the social ontology .

  4. 从性质上,则可分为自然客体、社会客体和精神客体。

    From its nature , it can be divided into natural object , social object and spiritual object .

  5. 第四部分从行政主体和民众与社会客体两方面分析政府回应制度存在问题的成因。

    The fourth part from the administrative body and both the public and the social object of Government response to the causes of system problems .

  6. 空间结构是指社会经济客体在空间中相互作用所形成的空间集聚程度和集聚形态。

    Spatial structure refers to the degree and the conformation of spatial conglomeration which comes into being with the spatial interrelation of social economic objects .

  7. 此外,负担改造责任的学校、家庭、社会在改造客体主观世界的过程中也频频出现一些问题,这些都有待于解决。

    Besides , problems also occur to schools , families and the society , who are bearing the mission , while reforming the subjective world of their objects .

  8. 组织动员的主体主要是村支两委(准行政组织)、经济组织和社会组织,客体是村内居民。

    The main subjects for organization and mobilization are village party branch , village committee , and village autonomy committee ( quasi-administrative organizations ), economic organizations , and social organizations , and the objects are villagers .

  9. 首先网络社会的主体、客体以及工具系统都是具有客观实在性的;

    But network society actually is objective reality .

  10. 不同社会的教学价值客体都是学生,但关注的是学生的不同方面。

    In whatsoever society , the object of teaching value is students , but it pay close attention to different aspects of students .

  11. 当代社会中,精神客体成为认识的主要对象是客体自身逻辑发展过程的必然结果。

    Spirit object becomes a main object of knowledge , which is an inevitable result of the progress of the logic of object itself .

  12. 政府信息公开的义务主体是政府机关,权利主体是社会公众,其客体是政府公共信息,法律应明确界定政府信息公开主体的权利与义务。

    The subject of obligation is the government bodies and the subject of right is the general public . The object of legal relationship is governmental information . The law should clearly define the right and obligation of the government in publicizing information .

  13. 社会距离是指社会客体与个体自我差异的大小,反映了基于社会变量或社会网络的相似性或亲近度。

    Social distance refers to the differences of social object and individual in size .

  14. 在政治、经济、文化三方面的互动中,选取了当前社会转型期政治社会化主客体之间主要问题进行解析,最后归纳出解决这些问题的方法。

    In politics , economy , culture in three aspects , the interaction of selecting the current social transition between subject and object political socialization problems in analytical , finally concludes the ways to solve these problems .

  15. 在社会科学研究中,人既是社会客体,又是社会主体;既受社会规律支配,又具有一定的主观能动性。

    In social scientific research , people are both social object and social subject ; received by the dominant social law , but also has some initiative .

  16. 国家的税收立法权受到市民社会的制约,市民社会对课税客体拥有的处分权受绝对保障而对税收立法产生了极大的影响。

    First , the tax legislative jurisdiction of the country is restricted by citizen society ; citizen society has disposal right to taxation object that protected utterly exert a great influence to the tax legislative .

  17. 本论文从政治社会化的涵义入手分析政治社会化主体和客体之间的关系,构筑了文章的核心&政治社会化互动理论模式。

    This thesis analyzed the connotation of political socialization of political socialization the relationship between subject and object , construct the core-political socialization " interaction " theory mode .

  18. 作为社会化主体之一的互联网在青少年(社会化客体)心理发育、认知发展和行为能力提升的过程中,已经产生深远的影响。

    Internet is one of the socialization subject , which has far-reaching impact on the process of the adolescent as a social object in psychological development , cognitive development and capacity .

  19. 社会知觉是社会认知过程的第一个阶段,是人通过感官对社会客体属性直接的整体感知。

    Social perception is the first stage of the social cognitive , which people perceive the character of social objective directly through the sensory .

  20. 马克思则从社会历史的角度,在现实的人与现实社会的冲突中考察了资本主义社会下主、客体关系相互颠倒的现象,并在实践中找到了产生这中颠倒关系的根本动因。

    Marx investigated the phenomenon which subject and object reverse each other in the light of conflict between realistic man and realistic society , and found the basic reason of the relation produced in practice .