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tiào wàng
  • overlook;look into the distance from a high place;lookout;survey;look far from a high place
眺望 [tiào wàng]
  • [look far from a high place;survey] 从高处远望

  • 她继续眺望当地的风光

眺望[tiào wàng]
  1. 美国《商业周刊》:一扇眺望全球的商业之窗

    The US-based Business Week a business window through which to overlook the globe

  2. 傍晚,坐在山顶,城市的光芒神秘又温暖,就像坐在月亮上,眺望一颗星星。

    In the evening , I sat in the hilltop , just as sitting in the moon to overlook a star .

  3. 他仔细眺望地平线,找寻陆地的踪影。

    He scanned the horizon for any sign of land .

  4. 他凝目眺望大海。

    He was staring out at the sea .

  5. 从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。

    The hill commands a fine distant view .

  6. 他从山上眺望山谷。

    He overlooked the valley from the hill .

  7. 站在舰桥上,我眺望着万家灯火辉映在夜空中,聆听着城市的喧嚣。

    I saw its lights reflected in the sky and heard the rumblings of the city 's noises .

  8. 老卢卡斯·克拉纳赫(LucasCranachtheElder)的宗教画中,高深莫测的美女眺望着画外的地方。

    Inscrutable beauties gaze out from religious works by Lucas Cranach the Elder .

  9. 爱德华(Edward)常常喜爱在那间可以眺望大海的房间里朗诵诗歌。

    Edward was in the habit of reciting poems in the room overlooking the sea .

  10. 这种网状结构还能提供荫凉,感觉很私密,同时又不影响眺望附近曼谷皇家体育俱乐部(RoyalBangkokSportsClub)的风光。

    The mesh is also designed to provide shade and privacy without compromising views of the grounds at the nearby Royal Bangkok Sports Club .

  11. SixSensesNinhBay酒店提供58个别墅,包括丛林隐居、山顶眺望、海滩或者水边等等各种环境。

    Six Senses Ninh Van Bay retreat offers 58 villas with a choice of jungle seclusion , hilltop views , beachside or water-edge settings .

  12. 东北湖区,莱茵斯贝格市附近,克莱因泽朗,MarinaWolfsbruch酒店外的游艇。巴伐利亚山区的韦特斯特恩山脉,在楚格峰上眺望霍伦塔尔富纳冰川。

    Overhead of houseboats at Marina Wolfsbruch , Kleinzerlang , near Rheinsberg , North Brandenburg Lake District .

  13. 房子和周围的自然没有边界,所以J可以从他庄园里这个极好的观景点向外眺望。

    There is really no boundary between the house and natural rounded , so J was able to look out on his bluvet state from this wonderful vantage point .

  14. LeRicher与巴黎诸多现代风格的咖啡屋大同小异——配备着上世纪60年代风格的椅子、裸露的石墙因挂有镜子而显得蓬荜生辉,透过飘窗可眺望右岸地区(RightBank)的寻常街道。

    Le Richer looks like dozens of other modernised Paris caf é s , with 1960s-style chairs , exposed stone walls brightened with mirrors , and bay windows looking on to an unremarkable Right Bank street .

  15. 在巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)周日透过望远镜眺望朝鲜之际,这位美国总统至少可以感到放心的是,美国及其侦察卫星对于这个敌人在哪里有大致的概念。

    As Barack Obama scanned the North Korean landscape through his binoculars on Sunday , the US president could at least feel reassured that America and its spy satellites have a rough idea where that particular enemy is .

  16. SutherlandHusseyArchitects建筑公司建造的苏格兰提利岛码头眺望台就利用了其规模达到完美的效果,成为周边景观中惹人注目的亮点。

    The Ferry Shelter in Tiree , Scotland by Sutherland Hussey Architects uses its scale to perfect effect as a striking object in the landscape .

  17. 中央生活与就餐区——洛根称之为“生活馆“——是一个面积为1200平方英尺(约合111平方米)的房间,带有15英尺(约合4.57米)高的壁炉和可以眺望大提顿公园和远处的黄石公园(Yellowstone)

    The central living and dining space -- what Mr. Logan calls ' the living pavilion ' -- is a 1200-square-foot room with a 15-foot fireplace and walls of windows looking out at the Tetons and distant Yellowstone .

  18. 一杯eau-de-vie在手,伴随着开放式厨房里飘出的令人陶醉的芬芳,眺望窗外浦江夜景,醉了没?

    With a cup of eau-de-vie and intoxicated fragrance while sightseeing the night view of Huangpu River , Aren 't you drunk ?

  19. 你们根据这个权威来眺望你们生命的未来。

    Your whole outlook on life is based on that authority .

  20. 他眺望着公园,感到满意。

    His eyes ranged over the park and he was satisfied .

  21. 到了顶上,我们停了下来眺望景色。

    At the top we stopped to look at the view .

  22. 当我们眺望田野,我们又是把目光投向空间。

    When we look across a field we look into space .

  23. 从我们的旅馆可以眺望卢克索神殿和尼罗河。

    Our hotel overlooked the temple of Luxor and the river .

  24. 从那里可以很好地眺望阿尔卡特拉斯岛。

    It provided a good vantage for looking out at Alcatraz .

  25. 男人拿起双筒望远镜眺望前面那青翠的半岛。

    The man focused some binoculars on the green peninsula ahead .

  26. 从那幢海边别墅的阳台能眺望大海。

    The beach house had a balcony that overlooked the sea .

  27. 他站在山上眺望下面的宁静景色。

    From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape .

  28. 正建的楼房挡住了我们眺望远山的视线。

    A building under construction obstructs our view of the mountains .

  29. 峰顶眺望,安陆县城尽收眼底。

    Peak overlooks , Anlu panoramic view of the county seat .

  30. 从帽檐底下,他隔着孔雀毛一般颤悠的睫毛眺望那向南移动的太阳。

    Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun .
