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yì lì
  • stand erect;stand towering like a giant
屹立 [yì lì]
  • [stand erect] 高耸挺立,比喻坚定不动摇

  • 巍然屹立

屹立[yì lì]
  1. 当前,华泰照明正以崭新的品牌形象屹立于世界灯饰行业。

    Current , China peaceful illume is acting the role of an industry at world lamp with brand-new brand image stand erect .

  2. 我们社会一日千里的发展,要想屹立于世界之林,要求我们认真地反思自己的学习,重新确立一个民族终身学习的观念。

    As our nation 's economy evolves at a fever pitch , if we want to stand erect in the world , it requires us to reconsider our learning methods and rebuild the conception of long-life learning .

  3. 那座纪念碑屹立在那里,作为对这一事件的见证。

    The monument stands there in witness of the event .

  4. 巍巍宝塔如巨人般屹立在山巅。

    The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain .

  5. 特别是,阿鲁姆和罗克萨发现,大学生没有发展批判性思维、分析推理能力和其他更高层次的能力,而这些技能可以使他们在当今的知识经济中茁壮成长,使国家在复杂挑战和动态变化中屹立不倒。

    In particular , Arum and Roksa found , college students were not developing the critical thinking , analytic reasoning and other higher-level skills that are necessary to thrive in today 's knowledge-based economy and to lead our nation in a time of complex challenges and dynamic change .

  6. 金钱是萨拉索塔的巨无霸豪宅,保质期就只有十年,权力是古老的石砌建筑,能屹立数百年。

    Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years . Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries .

  7. 橡树屹立不动,而芦苇必须俯倒在地,风雨更加狂暴了,那树尖钻入云霄、炫耀夸口的橡树,那跟深入浓荫下土壤内,茁壮的橡树,最终被呼啸的风连根拔起来了。

    The oak stood firm ; the reed down to the earth must bend . On raged the storm still fiercer than before Till , roaring , from his root it tore , The tree that close to heaven his towering summit flaunted12 and in the realm of shade his sturdy foot had planted .

  8. 甲骨文(Oracle)和国际商务机器公司(IBM)是最后几家屹立不倒的公司,在争夺软件合作企业和/或并购对象方面打了个势均力敌。

    Oracle and IBM are the last ones standing , going head-to-head after enterprise software partners and / or acquisitions .

  9. 直到不久前,对于薪资丰厚的英国CEO而言,一句颇有道理的箴言是团结让我们屹立,分开让我们上升。

    Until recently , a good motto for the well-paid British chief executive would have been united we stand , divided we rise .

  10. 屹立于CTI产业之上的Dialogic公司

    Dialogic - Towering the CTI Industry

  11. 但欧洲民主的城墙就像杰里科(Jericho)一样,仍然屹立如初。

    But the walls of European democracy , like Jericho , are still standing .

  12. HB银行在一百多年的发展中屹立不倒,重要的因素是一向秉承“为客户提供卓越快速的服务”的宗旨。

    HB BANK going through more than a century with excellent tracks , one reason is " the fast and excellent service " that it always promised to its customers .

  13. 在他的勘察当中,他发现在遥远之处,有一座高大显著的山峰朝喀喇昆仑山脉地区方向屹立着,他立即将其命名为“K1”(K代表喀喇昆仑山脉)。

    During this survey he saw , in the far distance , a tall and conspicuous mountain in the direction of the Karakorams and immediately named it K1 ( K stands for Karakorams ) .

  14. 爱德华·格里格(EdvardGrieg,1843~1907)这位伟大的挪威民族乐派的奠基人,用他的毕生精力让挪威的民族音乐以独树一帜的风格屹立于世界民族音乐之林。

    Edward ? Grieg ( Edvard Grieg , 1843 ~ 1907 ) and this great Norwegian folk pie with his life , founder of the national music energy let Norway with unique style music stand tall in national forest .

  15. MatsumotoCastle,Nagano松本城,长野松本城,因全城外表黑色,也被称作鸟城,是日本最原始的历史古城之一,至今屹立700余年。

    also known as the " Crow Castle , " because of its black exterior , is one of Japan 's premier historic castles . Here the artist is creating a watercolor of the view of Matsumoto Castle , a most famous stronghold that has endured for 700 years .

  16. 山峰屹立,等待有人去征服;

    Mountains there , waiting for climbers , to be conquered .

  17. 我们都伤害它,但是它仍屹立在那。

    We all hurt it , but still it stays there .

  18. 造就一些在我死后依然屹立不倒的东西;

    To make something that is still standing when I die.13 .

  19. 一棵大橡树屹立在房子前面。

    A big oak tree stood in front of the house .

  20. 我的生活很执著,想青松一样屹立不倒。

    My life is dedicated , to survive , like pine .

  21. 多数造像栩栩如生的屹立在龙门西山一侧。

    Most of the works live in the west Longmen Mountain .

  22. 我们屹立于黑暗的海角,监视其通过。

    We stood on the dark headlands to watch them pass .

  23. 西班牙则可能决定16个国家使用的欧元是屹立还是倒下。

    Spain could determine whether the 16-nation currency stands or falls .

  24. 它仍然屹立今天,尽管在破旧的条件。

    It still stands today , albeit in dilapidated condition .

  25. 屹立在残酷的市场之巅。

    And stood at the top of the competitive market .

  26. 南风将屹立于世界企业之林。

    Nafine will establish its own image among the world famous enterprise .

  27. 再远的东边屹立着天鹅绒山脉,那里是我们的边界了。

    Farther east stand the Velvet Hills , whence we are bound .

  28. 那面旗帜历经长夜依旧屹立耸然。

    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there .

  29. 秋天美景里金黄色向日葵屹立溪边。

    And the yellow sun-flower by the brook in autumn beauty stood .

  30. 旧金山屹立在高地上,象一摊模糊的轻烟。

    San Francisco lay like a blur of smoke upon her heights .
