
tiào wànɡ tái
  • Gazebo;high outlook place
  1. SutherlandHusseyArchitects建筑公司建造的苏格兰提利岛码头眺望台就利用了其规模达到完美的效果,成为周边景观中惹人注目的亮点。

    The Ferry Shelter in Tiree , Scotland by Sutherland Hussey Architects uses its scale to perfect effect as a striking object in the landscape .

  2. 大体上来说,通过与大地的互动,眺望台成了一个由三部分组成的微型景观。

    In essence , through its interaction with the earth , it becomes a miniaturized landscape in three parts .

  3. 狭长的眺望台由三个元素组成:白墙、桥梁和玻璃亭。其中玻璃亭朝向大海和附近的码头。

    The long , narrow shelter is composed of three elements : white walls , a bridge , and a glass box , the latter facing towards the water and the nearby pier .

  4. 你可以乘坐马车游览公园,或者去动物园转一转,有兴致的话,你可以登上19世纪的眺望台城堡,走的累了,也可以仰面躺在绿地上,仰望高耸的摩天大楼。

    You can ride in one of the famous horse-drawn carriages ; check out the modest-size zoo ; climb to the top of 19th-century Belvedere Castle ; or take a break from pounding the pavement to sprawl on the Great Lawn , gazing at the skyscrapers above .

  5. 跨线桥结构由古铜被做,有绿色古色并且它的形式是一点象眺望台、怪异建筑物或藤架。

    Its purpose is to provide a foundation on which climbing plants can be viewed and to give shade . The structure of Flyover is made from bronze , which has a green patina and its form is a little like a gazebo , folly or pergola .
