
That 's the soul of BPR . " Morbid soul in a morbid society & essence of ' A Q'image series " : part two of the thesis .
Analysis on Abnormal Social Psychology From the Perspective of Harmonious Society
Part three : abnormal life of ill society .
The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society
The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society & A Psychoanalytical Reading of The Catcher in the Rye
High rates of crime are considered by some people to be a sign of a sick society .
Therefore , marcuse puts forward , such society is not perfect , it is a kind of pathological society .
That street culture is not only a symptom of a deeply dysfunctional society ; it also helps to perpetuate what it celebrates .
The tragedy in cultural formation is closely related to author 's awareness of death , which shows author 's worry about the lack of discourse in abnormal society .
Being built on the basis of rationalism , civilized modern industrial technology bring up the 〝 pathological society " and 〝 individual degrees " which arises fierce criticism of Western scholars .
His experimental novels chiefly depict the distorted human nature caused by the materialized reality and the true state of survival in Hongkong society , especially the ( anxiety ) of survival and abnormal personality in a society filled with fierce competitions and material ( desires . )
We live in a sick society .
I was again using the cold , unflinching eye of the camera to probe a sick society .
A diseased society , mentality , imagination .
A diseased society , mentality , imagination You 'll enjoy better health and peace of mind .
He uses plenty of physical description to explore the complexity of human nature , sick society , being of great significance .
The first three volumes of Wu Ming Shu probe into humanity by means of the stage of politics , love in a sick urban society .
Beardsley plays in the art world critics argue a society , deviance and the role of insurgents , a sick society that give a fatal blow .
On the one hand , it is the morbid society that makes Prufrock fall into the dilemma-he needs love , but he doesn 't dare to declare it ;
In his novels , we can find the typical social characteristics of the post-war America as a consumer society , including the hypocrisy of the upper-class , the wickedness of money , the damage of family relationships and the sick social phenomena .
Suicide is related with genetic factors , patienthood , psychological and social factors , early life trauma , nerve biochemistry and other factors .
Since their tragedy takes its root in a sick modern world , thus it represents the tragedy of the modern times in a deep sense .
This paper analyzes the socio-cultural psychology in her novels to breed the female pathological phenomena , and reveals to show the cultural significance of female pathological phenomena .
The mad pursuit of substance , the blind identification on education , makes a morbid society . Education , one of the fields of social activities , is also infected with this virus .
This kind of sick personality is caused by the sick society .
Of or relating to a sociopathic personality disorder . The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society & A Psychoanalytical Reading of The Catcher in the Rye