
  • 网络sentence
病句 [bìng jù]
  • [grammatically wrong sentence] 在语法或逻辑上有毛病的句子

  • 本文病句甚多,改后再送审

  1. 目前的诗坛实际上就是病句诗与薛蟠体的较量。

    Faulty sentence poetry and Xue pan style are having a contest at present .

  2. 若你想深入进行下去,你甚至可以写个病句,而下一句或许就随之而来了。

    If you decide to go further , then you can write a bad sentence and then maybe another will come .

  3. 论病句修辞学的四个研究平面

    Four study dimensions of the rhetoric of wrong sentences

  4. 因此,韩国语学习者经常步入病句。

    Therefore , Korean students are often commit errors .

  5. 语义类:语汇病句、逻辑语义病句、经验语义病句;

    Incorrect semantic sentences : misuse of vocabulary , logic confusion , wrong experience ;

  6. 为此,首先要在理论上对病句建立新的认识。

    Therefore , a new understanding to incorrect sentences depending on linguistics is needed .

  7. 汉语病句的识别与修改策略

    Strategies for Identifying and Correcting Wrong Chinese Sentences

  8. 医学论文中典型病句语病分析

    Analysis of typical wrong sentences in medical papers

  9. 你为什么把那句话标为病句呢?

    Why have you marked the sentence wrong ?

  10. 它们是要求我们改正的英语病句的例子。

    These were examples of faulty English that we were called upon to correct .

  11. 今天太痛苦了,因为我发现这种软件翻译的出来的全是病句,还得痛苦翻译啊!

    Today too painful , because I found out that the translation of the entire software is Binggou , also suffering translation !

  12. 另一方面,我们还是积极提倡通过提高语言使用者的语言能力,达到减少病句的目的。

    On the other hand , we call for the improvement of linguistic ability of language user so as to reduce incorrect sentences .

  13. 病句之所以存在,原因分三个层面:语言能力和相应心理能力的欠缺,对语境的过分依赖,以及创新表达的失误。

    Three factors lead to incorrect sentences : poor language ability and relevant psychological ability , too much dependence on context , and mistakes in innovation .

  14. 评论者偶尔会说一些有用的东西,但在太多的网站上,有价值的评论往往是凤毛麟角,淹没在了一片谩骂和病句的海洋中,以至于消失于无形。

    Every so often a commenter will have something useful to say , but on too many sites , a worthy comment is so rare as to be de facto nonexistent , lost in an ocean of bile and bad grammar .