
xià xì
  • crack;rift;chink;aperture
罅隙 [xià xì]
  • [crack;chink;rift] 裂缝;缝隙;缺点,劣迹

  1. 后来,丽莎又不幸掉进到岩石间一口深深的罅隙里。

    Later , by mischance Elsa falls down into a deep crevice .

  2. 市场共识面临的首次考验,揭示了其中内在的罅隙。

    This first test of the consensus view revealed its inherent flaw .

  3. 你的,和我的一样,但可能却没那么多的罅隙。

    Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks .

  4. 生命里留了许多罅隙,从中送来了死之忧郁的音乐。

    Gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death .

  5. 他们悄然走开遁入空无,试着消除过往的罅隙。

    They walk away quietly into empty spaces , trying to close the gaps to the past .

  6. 它还武装起了阿拉维派平民,并试图解决阿拉维派社群内不同家族间的罅隙,从而确保他们的忠诚。

    It has armed Alawite civilians and sought to resolve any grievances with the different clans within the community to secure its loyalty .

  7. 游移于汉、苗文化罅隙之间的歌者&论苗族诗人何小竹的区域文化特质

    A Combination of Cultures of Han Nationality and Miao Nationality & On the Cultural Feature of HE Xiao-zhu , A Poet of Miao Nationality

  8. 当有了不和的预兆之时,律师的生意经就要扩大其罅隙(不和),并搜集其掠夺物。

    When there 's a rift In the lute , the busIness of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot .

  9. 研究人员推断,停止避孕之后,如果爱侣的男性特征较弱,女性可能会降低对对方的兴趣,导致二人之间关系出现罅隙。

    Researchers speculate that women with less-masculine partners may become less interested in their partner when they come off birth control , contributing to relationship dissatisfaction .

  10. 我以这道高墙自豪,我用沙土把它抹严,唯恐在这名字上还留着一丝罅隙,

    I take pride in this great wall , and I plaster it with dust and sand lest a least hole should be left in this name ;

  11. 想你,是不经意的一瞬间,让淡淡忧伤跨过矜持惆怅的边缘,透过每个罅隙的空间,在心头暗暗滋长蔓延。

    Missing you is leaping the slim grief over the edge of restraint and melancholy , leaving it growing and crawling across my heart through every space I am being in momentarily .

  12. 产生扩张适用的原因有二:一是因为《行诉法解释》本身存在罅隙,二是因为该扩张得到了准行政行为理论的支撑。

    There are two reasons for the expansion : firstly , the interpretation itself has inherent gaps ; secondly , the expansion gains support of the theory of " quasi-administrative act " .

  13. 但当我回首时,我发现生命的过程就像一股不定的水流,遇到的每一块卵石、每一道罅隙、每一处草根都能改变它的方向。

    But the course of my life , when I look back , is as orderless as a trickle of water that is diverted and guided by every pebble and crevice and grass-root it encounters .

  14. 我以这道高墙自豪,我用沙土把它抹严,唯恐在这名字上还留着一丝制罅隙,我煞费了苦心,我也看不见了我的真。

    I take pride in this great wall , and I plaster it with dust and sand lest a least hole should be left in this name ; and for all the care I take I lose sight of my true being .

  15. 国家在强制性制度变迁下选择了两次政策退却,集体在基层社会再组织化过程中实现了特权重构,而农民则始终没有放弃在国家权力意志的罅隙中对权利的追求。

    The nation chose two policies retreats under mandatory system changes , and the collective realized its privilege reconstruction in the basic level society re-organization process , while peasant persisted in its pursue of power through the crack of state will to power .

  16. 左联时期编辑出版行为作为在革命、战争的罅隙间生存的新文学发生机制之一,体现在:一是左联时期的文学生产与编辑出版文化市场关系密切;

    And as one of the mechanisms for the occurence of a new literature , the then editing and publishing activity mainly played the following two roles : Firstly , it helped build a close connection between the literature production and the cultural market ;
