
  • 网络viral skin diseases;Viral diseases;virus dermatopathy
  1. 阿昔洛韦外用治疗病毒性皮肤病147例

    147 cases of cutaneous virus diseases treated with aciclovir cream

  2. 这种油对那些倾向于有皮疹或其它病毒性皮肤病或者指甲问题的人们很有益处。请注意:请肌肉测试哪些成分对你的特定皮肤情况或者指甲情况有益。

    This oil is good for those prone to break outs or other viral skin or nail conditions – note : please muscle test which ingredients are useful to your particular skin or nail condition .

  3. 复方左氧氟沙星喷雾剂治疗细菌与病毒感染性皮肤病108例

    Curative Effect of Compound Levofloxacin Spray in the Treatment of Infective Skin Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses

  4. 结果:STD患者易被误诊为肺结核、急慢性咽喉疾病、口腔赘生物、鼻息肉、病毒性疱疹、皮肤病等,但根据STD的自身临床特征仍可鉴别诊断。

    Result ; Although STD patients were often misdiagnosed as having tuberculosis , acute or chronic throat diseases , neoplasm of oral cavity , rhinopolypus , viral herpes , and dermatosis , they still be accurately distinguished and diagnosed on the basis of clinical characteristics of STD of their own .

  5. 背景:带状疱疹(herpeszoster,HZ)是由水痘-带状病毒(VZV)引起的急性、炎症性、病毒性皮肤病。

    Background : Herpes zoster ( HZ ) is an acute , inflammatory , viral skin disease caused by the varicella - zoster virus which mainly happens in spring and autumn .