
yú yè zī yuán
  • fishery resources
  1. 应用Green定理解决渔业资源最优捕获问题

    Application of Green Theorem in Optimum Catching Question of Fishery Resources

  2. 海水表面温度(SST)与渔业资源有着密切的关系,对SST的时空分布和变化的研究,是海洋渔业研究的基本内容之一。

    Since sea surface temperature ( SST ) has more relations with marine fishery resources , so the study on spatiotemporal distribution and variation of SST is one of basic contents of marine fishery research .

  3. 基于BP模型的渔业资源可持续利用综合动态评价

    Study on the Dynamic Assessment of Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources Based on BP Models

  4. 第三,本文对太湖渔业资源监测GIS开发研究中的开发目标、原则、要求、功能结构、界面设计等进行了详尽的论述;

    Thirdly , the development project , principle , requirement , functional architecture and interface design are discussed at large ;

  5. 开发了长江中下游渔业资源管理GIS系统。

    A fishery resource management system was developmented by using geographic information system ( GIS ) in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River .

  6. 由于渔业资源评估中补充量的剧烈变动、亲体量的测量误差以及时间序列的偏差常常使亲体补充量(SR)关系模型的确定存在很大偏差问题。

    Variations in environmental variables and measurement errors often result in large and heterogeneous deviations in fitting fish stock-recruitment ( SR ) data to an SR statistical model .

  7. 剩余产量模型是预测最大可持续产量(MSY)的经典方法,也是现代渔业资源评估和管理的主要理论模型之一。

    Surplus production models are the classic methods to predict MSY , and are among the main theories and models in modern fish stock assessment and management .

  8. 本文假设了渔业资源生长满足多代共存的Logistic模型,利用多个体博弈达到Nash均衡时的捕捞量得到总收获函数,建立了多个体博弈公共渔业资源的二维动力学模型。

    In this paper , the growth of fishery resources is supposed as the multi-generational coexistence Logistic model , and Nash equilibrium conditions which satisfies multi-agent games is used to get the total harvested function , and the two-dimensional dynamic model of multi-agent games in public fishery resources is established .

  9. 2000年该海区的实际年捕捞量为217.2×104t,超过了渔业资源的剩余产量80.22×104t。

    However , the actual fishing catch in 2000 was 217.2 × 10 ~ 4 t which was more 80.22 × 10 ~ 4 t than the surplus yields of assessment results .

  10. 我国渔业资源的评估多采用产量模型和年龄结构模型,对于Delay-difference模型和消耗模型的应用甚为少见。

    Fish stock assessment models in China which are used widely are production models and age-structured models , the former are surplus production models in the most .

  11. 根据渔业资源的再生规律提出生态拉弗曲线(ELC),并将该曲线应用于公共渔业资源可持续利用的分析,用“经济税收”控制“生态税收”可能是一种更有前途的政策思路。

    Based on the regeneration rule of fishery resources , this paper advances the Ecological Laffer Curve ( ELC ) model and applies the model to the analysis of a sustainable use of public fishery resources .

  12. 运用ITQ制度,可以有效解决遍布于全球范围内的过度捕捞问题,切断造成渔民转产转业问题的根源,实现渔业资源的可持续利用。

    It can , by cutting the root baffling the transfer , solve the problem of overfishing which is common in the world at large so as to realize sustainable use of fishery resources .

  13. 利用国内外常用的渔业资源评估模型及东海主要经济种类渔业资源评估专家知识,应用面向对象的知识处理系统(OKPS)作为开发工具,开发了渔业资源评估专家系统。

    An expert system for fish stock assessment was designed and developed by using the Objective Knowledge Process System ( OKPS ) as the development tool based on the fish stock assessment models and expert knowledge in this field .

  14. 南北湖渔业资源现状及开发途径的探讨

    Present Status of Fisheries Resources in Nanbei Lake and Its Exploitation

  15. 舟山渔场主要渔业资源利用现状

    Present utilization situation of main fishery resources in Zhoushan fishing ground

  16. 海南海洋渔业资源特征与发展前景分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Marine Fishery Resource and Prospective in Hainan

  17. 长江渔业资源动态监测的研究

    On the dynamic monitoring of fish resources in the Yangtze River

  18. 福建闽南浅滩渔场中上层渔业资源存量及价值评估

    Assessment of Pelagic Fisheries Stock and Value in Minnan Bank Ground

  19. 澳大利亚四面环海,海洋不仅赐予了澳大利亚美丽的海滩,还有丰富的渔业资源。

    Australia is blessed with beautiful beaches and diverse marine life .

  20. 福建省海洋渔业资源研究学科发展的探讨

    Discussion on Development of Marine Fishery Resources Study in Fujian Province

  21. 自然环境变动对北部湾渔业资源的影响

    Influence of natural environment variation on fishery resources in Beibu Gulf

  22. 渤海湾渔业资源的现状及其可持续利用制约因素

    Present State of fishery resources in Bohai bay and restrictive factors

  23. 福建省生态渔业资源保护的现状与对策

    Status and Countermeasure on Conservation of Eco-Fishery Resources in Fujian Province

  24. 黄海西部渔业资源状况

    Status of fishery resources development in the Western Huanghai Sea

  25. 辽东湾北部海区的初级生产力具有明显的区域特征,与渔业资源关系密切。

    The fishery resources were related with the primary production .

  26. 论自然渔业资源保护与利用

    A Discussion on Protection and Utilization of Natural Fishery Resource

  27. 莱州湾污染及其对渔业资源的影响

    Pollution situation in the Laizhou Bay and its effects on fishery resources

  28. 渔业资源评估专家系统设计及实践

    The design and development of the expert system for fish stock assessment

  29. 西部地区的渔业资源及其开发潜力

    Fisheries resources in the west region and its development potential

  30. 渔业资源衰退原因和可持续发展对策

    The decline reasons and the measures for sustainable development of fisheries resources