
  • 网络common fisheries policy
  1. 中国远洋渔业政策与山东发展对策刍议

    Offshore fishery policy of China and development strategy in Shandong Province

  2. 渔业政策的目标取向及关键问题剖析

    The Analysis on the Targets and Key Problems of Fishery Policy

  3. 加强渔业政策法规研究推进现代渔业建设

    Enhancing fishery policy studies and promoting the development of modern fishery

  4. 欧洲共同渔业政策被广泛地认为是失败的。

    Europe 's Common Fisheries Policy is widely a failure .

  5. 我国渔业政策与渔业管理问题探讨

    Discussion on fisheries policy and management problems in China

  6. 韩国以养为主的渔业政策

    Culture - Based Fisheries Policy in Korea

  7. 使用地理信息系统绘制海洋渔区及渔业政策图

    The application of GIS techniques on drawing the China marine fishing chart and fishery polices map

  8. 文章介绍欧盟、日本、韩国和我国台湾省的远洋渔业政策。

    This paper introduces the distant-water policy of European Union , Japan , South Korea and Taiwan Province .

  9. 欧盟提出了改革渔业政策的议案,包括从2015年开始禁止弃置死鱼。

    The European Union has proposals to reform fisheries policy , including banning the practice of discards , beginning in 2015 .

  10. 加强国家制定农、林、渔业政策的能力,以及充分的分析能力,评估世界贸易组织拟议的政策变革的影响。

    Build up national policy formulation capacity in agricultural , forestry and fisheries sectors and adequate analytical capacity to assess the impact of policy changes being proposed at WTO .

  11. 日本远洋渔业支持政策及其对我国的启示

    Policies to support offshore fisheries in Japan and its implications for China

  12. 政府渔业补助政策与博弈

    Government Fishery Subsidy Policy and Game Theory

  13. 在这次会议上将制定今后渔业发展的政策。

    The future policy of piscatorial development will be charted at the conference .

  14. 近海渔业减船政策的经济学分析

    An Economics Analysis on the Policy of Reducing the Offshore Fishing Vessels

  15. 这一被称作“有利于鱼类”的全球规划项目旨在促进在国家、地区和全球层面制定有效的渔业战略和政策。

    Called PROFISH , the new program aims to promote effective fisheries strategies and policies at the country , regional and global levels .

  16. 三是1999年开始实施的海洋捕捞渔业零增长政策仅对该年产量增长起到了显著的影响作用。

    ,( 3 ) the Policy of " Zero Increase " in Marine Catching Fishery Notably influenced the total product in marine fishery in 1999 .

  17. 阿根廷渔业与入渔政策

    Argentine fisheries and its policy of qualification of fishing

  18. 通过探讨国际海洋渔业管理历史及其政策的演变过程,我们得出海洋渔业资源利用与保护是在与贫困、环境、福利分配做斗争,其实质是海洋环境变迁背景下贫困与福利分配问题。

    We can come to the using and protection of marine fishery resources is fighting against with the poverty , the environment and welfare distribution according to research the policy process of the international marine fishery management history and evolution .

  19. 根据研究结果,讨论未来水产品需求总量和结构的变化,为优化渔业生产和合理使用渔业资源提供政策依据。

    Discussing the future change of aggregate amount and the structure of fish demand based on the result of the research , so as to provide basis for decision making in fishery production structure changes and rational utilization of fishery resources .

  20. 最后针对性的提出基于保护渔业产业和提升渔业国际竞争力的渔业战略性贸易政策推行框架及对策建议。

    Finally , the author raises the frame of carrying out the strategic trade policy of fishery and some countermeasure suggestions aiming to protecting fishery and promoting international competitiveness of fishery .

  21. 在分析全球渔业发展现状的基础上,本文全面探讨了渔业政策的最新目标取向以及制定渔业政策应注意的主要问题。

    The thesis analyzes the current situations of the global fishery , and then discusses the most current targets of the fishery policy and the key problems on drawing up fishery policy .

  22. 研究的目的是系统考察全球渔业补贴理论与渔业补贴实践,提出应对WTO相关谈判的政策建议和完善我国渔业补贴政策的基本思路。

    The purpose of this study is to systematically study global fishery subsidy theory and its practice , propose policy in response to WTO negation and provide general ideas to improve our fishery subsidy policy .

  23. 该项工作对于分析渔业生物经济系统的特征,揭示模型中各因素之间的相互关系和指导渔业政策的制定等,有一定的借鉴意义。

    This work is useful for analyzing the characteristics of fisheries bioeconomic system , uncovering the relationships between all kinds of factors and making the policy of fisheries .

  24. 从制度保障来看,亟需制定专门的渔业保险法律;准许互保协会在渔区开设分支机构;将相互制渔业保险纳入政策性保险范围;增加渔民保费的财政补贴。

    Viewing from protection institution facet , an urgent need to develop specific fishery insurance laws ; allowing mutual insurance association to open branches in the fishery areas ; adding subsidy of fishery insurance fee are all applicable .