
yú yè quán
  • fishery;fishery right
  1. 渔业权的产权明晰是渔民能够正常流转渔业权的前提,也是渔民合理取得渔业权流转利益补偿和参与渔业权流转增值收益分配的基础。

    The clarity of fishery property rights , it is the premise for fish farmers to circulate their fishery property rights , and it is also the fundamental basis for fish farmers to access the possible future value added income distribution and get compensation of their interests .

  2. 基于渔业权的渔民社会保险制度研究

    Study of Social Insurance for Fisher Based on the Fishery Right

  3. 大会的主要议题是渔业权。

    The main talking point at the conference was fishing rights .

  4. 我国实施渔业权制度可行性初探

    Preliminary study on feasibility of implementing fisheries right in China

  5. 中国渔业权及其在物权法中的设定

    China fishery right and its establishment in law in rem

  6. 落实渔业权保障渔民权益。

    Fulfilling the fishery right and protecting the fisherman rights and interests .

  7. 海域使用权与渔业权的关系解析

    Analysis of the Relationship of the Waters Usage Right and the Fishery Right

  8. 渔业权制度与渔民权益保护

    Fishery Property Right and Rights Protection for Fish Farmers

  9. 推进渔业权制建设促进渔业经济发展

    Advancing system of fisheries right to develop fishery economy

  10. 关于改革我国养殖渔业权制度的几点建议

    Comments on the reform of aquaculture right regime

  11. 渔业权基本理论研究将有利于推进我国渔业权制度建设。

    Studying on fisheries right will be use for advancing the system of fisheries right .

  12. 我国渔业权特征的探讨

    Study on characteristic of fisheries right

  13. 关于渔业权的探讨

    A Discussion on Fishery Rights

  14. 论渔业权

    On Right of Fishery

  15. 所有权是渔业权等他物权的母权,是所有权与其权能分离的属性和理论、所有权的弹力性的变形表现。

    Proprietary right is the mother right of the fishery right and some other rights over the property of another .

  16. 它同渔业权存在着效力冲突,其实渔业权本可被海域使用权吸收。

    It has a validity conflict to fishery right which indeed can be enrolled by the right to use the sea areas .

  17. 养殖权和捕捞权均属于渔业权,不宜把它们分成两项法律制度。

    Fishery rights consists of breeding right and fishing right , and it is not appropriate to separate those two rights into two systems .

  18. 它同渔业权、矿业权、水权、土地承包经营权、国有土地使用权存在着效力冲突,需要协调。

    It has validity conflicts with fishery right , mining right , water right , right to land contract , and right to use state owned land , which needs coordination .

  19. 作为内国法上的渔业权制度,在英美法系国家并非一种财产权而是一种公权,体现为国家对海洋渔业资源进行管理的许可证制度;

    In common law countries , being a right in domestic law , fishery refers to a public right rather than a property , which embodies a licensing system established by a state to administer its sea fishery resources .

  20. 本文阐述了渔业权的概念和渔业权在法律上的特点和涵义以及应该遵循的原则,分析了现行渔业权制度的缺欠,并提出了一些改革建议。

    The present paper deals with the concept of fisheries right and analyzes its legal features and meanings , points out the defects in the current system of the right of fisheries and gives some practical advices on how to revise the current fisheries law .

  21. 本文试图从物权及其特征的角度,回答渔业权物权化中渔业权应具有哪些特征的问题,并分析得出我国渔业权是兼有用益物权和特许物权的物权特征。

    Form the point of real rights , the paper tried to answer which characteristics with which fisheries right should be provided in its trend of real right , and put forward fisheries right have both double characteristics of usufruct and real rights of license in China .

  22. 基于渔民视角的海洋渔业捕捞权交易问题研究

    Study on the Problems of the Transaction of Marine Fishing Right on the Fishermen 's Perspective

  23. 渔业环境权是渔业权人在得到许可的渔业水域从事养殖、捕捞等生产活动时所拥有的保护渔业水域环境的权利。

    The right to piscatorial environment is an environmental protection right of fishery right holders when they do aquatic breeding or fishing at the licensed fishery waters .

  24. 本文从权利的角度,对我国即将实施的捕捞限额制度进行分析,发现其中存在两种权利形式,并将其中对配额支配利用的权利抽象出来,定义为渔业配额权。

    With view of the right , this paper analyzed the fishing quota system , which will be implemented in Chinese fisheries management , and found that there existed two kinds of rights in it .

  25. 而公海渔业配额权则是对特定鱼类资源配额支配利用的权利,利益的获得是以义务的履行为前提的。

    The right of high seas fisheries quota is the dominated by a specific quota of fish resources , the interests of the obligation to obtain based on the premise , receiving benefits based on the premise of obligation .

  26. 按照国际法或国际惯例,沿岸国对于本国领海内的渔业资源享有独占权。

    According to international law or international practice , all the fishery resources of territorial waters belong to the country inshore only .