
mín yuàn
  • Public grievance;popular discontent
民怨 [mín yuàn]
  • [popular discontent] 人民群众对不恤民情的政府或统治者的怨言愤恨

民怨[mín yuàn]
  1. 朝鲜早已在遭受严重的电力和食品短缺,去年又搞砸了货币改革,引发通胀飙升、食品市场关闭,甚至引发极其罕见的民怨。

    Already suffering from crippling power and food shortages , North Korea bungled its currency reform last year , which triggered sharp inflation , closed food markets and sparked extremely unusual flashes of popular discontent .

  2. 紧缩也在激起广泛的民怨。

    Austerity is also causing widespread resentment among the population .

  3. 政府政策也在逐渐呼应民怨。

    Official policy is slowly catching up with public anger .

  4. 由于食物和房产价格走高,民怨滋生。

    As food and property prices move higher , populist resentment grows .

  5. 国王不公正的法律引起很大的民怨。

    The king 's unjust laws raised a great wrath among the people .

  6. 如果依然是国富民穷(目前看来这是有可能的),民怨将不断集聚。

    If the trickle-down stops - as it probably will - popular anger will build .

  7. 在香港地区,还没有哪一届领导人就职时面对着如此的民怨。

    No leader has taken up his post in the territory amid such a display of discontent .

  8. 经济停滞是最终把穆巴拉克赶下台的民怨浪潮的主要致因之一。

    Economic stagnation was one of the main causes of the wave of frustration that finally swept Mr Mubarak from power .

  9. 泰国大批的城市工人失业,不得不涌向农村谋生,民怨四起。

    There was mass discontent in Thailand as millions of urban workers lost their jobs and wandered back to their villages .

  10. 甚至连坚称印度正处于多年来民怨最大、且功能最为失调时期的塞思,也对印度表现出的弹性感到惊讶。

    Even Mr Seth , who insists India is at its most angry and dysfunctional in years , is amazed by its resilience .

  11. 根据官方数据,10月份食品价格同比上涨10.1%。不断攀升的生活成本正引发民怨。

    With food prices rising by an official 10.1 per cent in October year on year , the rising cost of living is inflaming public passions .

  12. 公元前206年,秦王朝迎来了其臭名昭著的瓦解,这个曾经辉煌的王朝最终倒在了由自己暴虐的荒淫无度的行为所导致的民怨载道上。

    In 206B . C , the Qin Dynasty came to an infamous end and the glorious dynasty fell victim to the fear and mistrust bred by its own despotic excesses .

  13. 而澳门政府早于四年前已开始于每年以一次性的方式拨项给普罗大众,作为舒解民困的其中一个方法。这亦是政府为了解决民怨的一种技俩。

    The Macau Government has started distributing one-time funding to residents as early as four years ago as a way of relieving the hardship and also a governmental tactic to address grievances .

  14. 了解一下当下中国的司法实践,我们可以明显感觉到现在中国司法过程的一个倾向,即平息民怨、阻止矛盾进一步扩大化成为主要的判决目标。

    In our China now of judicial activities , we clearly see a tendency , that is , to quell public complaints and prevent further expansion , become the contradiction of the main goal .

  15. 一些尼日利亚官员担心,中国空降员工的做法将加重尼日尔三角洲地区的民怨。当地人对缺乏工作机会的积怨,已造成多年的局势动荡,并多次引发了针对西方企业的攻击。

    Some Nigerian officials worry that the Chinese practice of importing staff will exacerbate resentment in the delta , where grievances over the lack of opportunities afforded to locals have fed years of upheaval and attacks on western groups .

  16. 如此高的房价在当地引起了越来越多的民怨,特别是考虑到过去几年内地买家涌入本已极缺便宜住房的香港,从一定程度上造成当地房价进一步走高。

    Such high prices in Hong Kong have increasingly served as a flashpoint for local anger , particularly given the influx of mainland buyers in the past few years , which has helped bid up prices in a city already parched for affordable housing .

  17. 加强农村社会治安的有效治理,应建立社会矛盾预警机制、民怨表达机制,加强政府组织建设,充分发挥群众自治组织的作用。

    Therefore , in order to strengthen the effective administration of the rural social security , we should set up the early warning mechanism of social contradiction , the resentment expressing mechanism , strengthen government 's organization , and give full play to the role of masses ' autonomy organization .

  18. 甚至连中国也惹来一身抗议,特别是7月份温州高铁追尾事故引发的民怨——至少40人因此丧生——这次事故引发了人们对高铁安全甚至整个官僚体制的质疑。

    Even China is facing a rash of political protests . In particular , the fury caused by the high-speed train crash at Wenzhou in July , in which at least 40 people died , has raised troubling questions about the railways " safety and , more broadly , about the political system itself .