首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 产于从百慕大群岛和佛罗里达到南美洲的礁滩。

    On reefs from Bermuda and Florida to northern South America .

  2. 我所知道的只有经文和佛所说的。

    All I know is the Scripture and the words of Lord buddha .

  3. 将来我们和佛一样期待人间没有战争,没有犯罪。

    But this longing has done nothing to forbid any of the evil that came out in this war .

  4. 这儿风景的颜色是一种浅褐色;再往下就和佛卢姆谷一样了,差不多成了青绿色。

    Here the landscape was whitey-brown ; down there , as in Froom Valley , it was always green .

  5. 因为那时候我们很接近上帝和佛菩萨的品质,内边的爱心有发挥出来,所以我们感到快乐。

    At that time , we are close to the nature of God and the saints , our love develops , and we feel happy .

  6. 据此,白居易认为儒家和佛禅在追求个人的道德完善上是相通的,二者同归于“善”。

    Hereby BaiJvYi thinks that Confucianism has contact with Buddhism in the aspect of morally individual perfection , and both of them are all ascribed to " good " .

  7. 在宋明理学中,为了批判汉儒和佛老思想,具有担道意识的宋儒们极力为儒家伦理道德实践寻找形而上的的本体论依据。

    In Neo-Confucianism , to criticize the Confucianism and Buddhism and Taoism , the song Confucian have supported the Tao consciousness strongly for the Confucian ethical practices for metaphysical theory based on ontology .

  8. 道家的本无之论和佛禅的空观是意境诞生的哲学前提,这种空无之论的向内转则是意境生成的直接原因。

    The Nothingness ideology of Taoist and Chan is a philosophical premise of artistic conception 's naissance , and this kind of philosophy 's turning to the mental is the direct cause of artistic conception 's being created .

  9. 结果肾动脉血管环在含泛影葡胺和碘佛醇的培养液中孵育1h后,NO分泌无明显变化,而ET-1分泌增加,且呈剂量依赖性。

    Results After being incubated with Diatrizoate or Ioversol for 1 h , the renal artery endothelium did not show significant changes in the release of NO , but the release of ET-1 increased in a dose-dependent manner .

  10. 那这面就是万佛殿和四面佛。

    And on this side are the multi-buddha hall and the four-faced buddha .

  11. 萨尼雷和薛佛是德班市郊外的两名高中生。

    Sanele and Shepherd are two high school students from just outside Durban .

  12. 如果这不是一个事,声闻乘和辟支佛如何生活?

    If it is not a thing , how can sravakas and pratyekabuddhas live ?

  13. 这远在沙门和辟支佛之上-这种崇拜转换为三个世界。

    And is far above sramanas and pratyekabuddhas . - Such an aspiration transcends the three worlds .

  14. 所有这些事是属于诸佛的世界并且不是声闻乘和辟支佛乘可以知道。

    All such things belong to the world of all Buddhas and are not what sravakas and pratyekabuddhas may know .

  15. 其他人的教导,我们应该停止呼吸和背诵佛的名字在一个延伸,然后迅速吞咽唾液。

    Other persons teach that we should stop breathing and recite the Buddha 's name at one stretch , then rapidly swallow saliva .

  16. 此时,一部分中国僧人深感佛经有限不能尽览,他们于是有了西行求法和翻译佛典之举。

    At that time some Chinese Buddhists realized the shortage of Buddhist sutra , so they began pilgrimage to India to seek scriptures and to translate Buddhist sutras .

  17. 摘要在儒、佛两家互动互补的过程中,以孔孟为代表的和以佛性为代表的心性论,在心性思想上表现出广泛的一致性。

    In the process of interaction of Confucian and buddha , the disposition theory takes Confucianism and Buddha-nature as representatively , displays the widespread uniformity in the disposition thought .

  18. 历史文化底蕴对杭州茶人品格形成的影响主要是移民文化的影响和儒道佛文化的影响。

    The formation of historical and cultural heritage of Hangzhou Tea human character is the impact of the immigrant culture and the cultural influence of Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  19. 文同的吏隐既是时代的产物,又有个人的原因,激烈的党争和儒道佛三教的共同影响是其吏隐心态形成的主要推动力。

    He lives a complex Li Yin life which is the outcome of times , personal reasons , the mutual influence of fierce struggle on party and the three kind of main religions , for instance , Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  20. 观音具有女神和神性母亲佛的形象。

    Quan Yin carries the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect of Buddhism .

  21. 一佛五十菩萨和菩萨装佛

    One Buddha and Fifty Bodhisattvas and the Decoration of Bodhisattvas

  22. 在净土的传统,他们是伟大的大师凭借声望和谁教佛背诵。

    In the Pure Land tradition , they were Masters of great repute and virtue who taught Buddha Recitation .

  23. 从儿童文学视角比较《镜花缘》和《格列佛游记》

    Flowers in the Mirror and Gulliver s Travels : A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Children s Literature ;

  24. 对《镜花缘》和《格列佛游记》进行比较研究的成果不多,且主要集中在成人眼光中的社会批判和讽刺艺术上。

    Most comparative studies on Flowers in the Mirror and Gulliver 's Travels focus merely on criticism of the society and art of satire from the point of view of adults .

  25. 以史料的记载和从造佛所传达的信息进行分析,综合所有技法,尤其是青州的北齐圆雕立佛像,技艺和手法处理不仅符合美学原理,更具有前卫意识,对现代雕塑影响深远。

    Analyzed the records of the history of material and the information conveyed from making Buddha , integrated all the techniques , especially in Qingzhou Northern Qi sculpture in the round stand statues .

  26. 由于受辽代社会和家庭崇佛的双重影响,有很多妇女信仰佛教,并且出资修建佛教场所,说明妇女在家庭中有一定的财产支配权。

    Under the influence of the society and family embracing Buddhist , many women also embracing Buddhist and contributed to building locale . It showed that women can control certain property in family .

  27. 《西游记》西天取经故事的人物行为功能模式由有感于生命现状,自东向西的行进旅程和灵山见佛修成正果三个环节构成。

    In the novel " The Pilgrimage to the West ", the characters ' behavioral function mode is made up of three links : the feeling about the life reality , the long journey west and the meeting with Buddha .

  28. 方法不同浓度和时间的碘佛醇(Ioversol)作用于体外培养的大鼠肾小球内皮细胞,用噻唑蓝(MTT)法检测细胞存活率。

    Methods Rat glomerular endothelial cells were exposed to ioversol with different concentrations for different time .

  29. 报道介绍说偷猎者们正在蒙古和俄罗斯使用来佛枪捕杀麝。

    The report reveals that poaching is rife in some parts of Mongolia and Russia .

  30. 大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。

    In front of the main hall is Confucius the Sage , Prince Nuozha , and Maitreya the Happy Buddha .