
  1. 论秦汉时期江西地区的民族与文化

    The Nations and Culture in Jiangxi Region in Qin and Han Times

  2. 秦汉时期福建的民族与文化

    Nationalities and Culture of Fujian in Qin and Han Dynasty

  3. 汉族服饰&民族与文化融合的先行者

    The Han Nationality Dress-Forerunner that Nationality and Culture Merge

  4. 民族与文化的忧患是当今世界的普遍现象。

    It is very common to worry about the development of nationalities and culture .

  5. 中国不是一个单纯的地理概念,更是一个民族与文化的概念。

    China is not simply a geographical concept , it is a national and cultural concept .

  6. 从对民族与文化双重危机的体认中,梁漱溟衍生出对民族与文化前途的深切关怀。

    Liang Shuming concerned about the national culture and national future because of the national and cultural dual crisis .

  7. 这里不仅有双方主观方面的原因,更有民族与文化方面的原因。

    The cause is not only in their subjectivity , but also in the difference of the nationality and the culture .

  8. 这里为舞蹈爱好者们展示的是世界一些各民族与文化的舞蹈风采照片。

    For dance buffs , here is a collection of photographs of dance from many cultures and peoples around the world .

  9. 当然,基于不同的历史、民族与文化的理由,美好世界从来不会有唯一固定之面目。

    Certainly , because of the various histories , nations and cultures , the better world is not only one vision .

  10. 但是,我们也必须看到该理论不仅难以得到普遍性认同,而且在实践中往往以破坏全球性的民族与文化的多元态势为代价。

    We think the liberalistic human right viewpoint can not get the general identity , and it 's practice shall destroy plurality of nation and culture .

  11. 在这种民族与文化的大融合过程中,给华夏文化注入新的血液、赋予新的动力、形成新的整合。

    In this great nation and culture , integration of the process , to the Chinese culture to inject new blood , to give new impetus to the formation of a new integration .

  12. 萨丽·摩根在小说中将她母亲、她外婆和她舅老爷的故事穿插在一起,通过重述历史,来为整个土著民族与文化讨个公道。

    In order to reclaim a place for Aboriginal people and their culture in Australia , Sally Morgan delves into the past , retelling the history by weaving the stories of her mother , her grandmother and her great-uncle .

  13. 城市多民族与文化多元化发展成正比,其关系体现多民族是多元文化的基础,多元文化是多民族文化在城市发展的最终形式。

    The multi-nationality and the multi-culture have been going side by side with each other in such a way that the latter is based on the former and will become the final form of the national culture in city development .

  14. 试论双语教育下的民族语言与文化的保持

    On Maintenance of Minority Language and Culture in Bilingual Education

  15. 民族旅游与文化认同:以羌族为个案

    Ethnic Tourism with Cultural Identity : A Case Study for Qiang Ethnic

  16. 中华民族与海洋文化的关系

    On the Relationship between Chinese Nation and Oceanic Culture

  17. 民族精神与文化表现形态

    The national spirit and the forms of cultural expression

  18. 唐代前期少数民族与汉族文化互动研究

    Research on the Culture Interaction between Minorities and Han during Early Tang Period

  19. 中国古诗词是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是以民族语言与文化为主要学习内容的语文教学不可或缺的内容。

    Chinese ancient poetry is the important part of Chinese culture and Chinese teaching .

  20. 少数民族语言与文化研究60年:回顾·反思·展望

    Studies of 60 years on Ethnic Languages and Culture : Review · Reflection · Prospect

  21. 民族文学与文化认同&以哈萨克族文学为例

    On Ethnic Minority Literature and Cultural Identification

  22. 元明以来隆务河流域的民族融合与文化共享

    Ethnic groups ' melting into each other and cultural share together in the Long Wu river valley

  23. 民族与现代文化的碰撞2006亚洲超级模特大赛

    Asia Super Model Competition

  24. 古代少数民族迁徙与文化变迁

    Preservation of Ancient Books of Ethnic Minorities The Resettlement of Ancient Minorities and the Change of the Culture

  25. 浅谈中国少数民族语言与文化及其传承

    A Probe on the Chinese Ethnic Minorities ' Languages , Cultures and Their Handing Down to Future Generation

  26. 民族表象与文化实践:以云南傣族孔雀舞为例

    Ethnic Representation and Cultural Practice in China : A Case Study of the Dai People 's Peacock Dance

  27. 这一问题对于探讨两汉以前这一地区的民族迁徙与文化交流具有很重要的意义。

    It is important to study the nationalities relations and the culture communion in this area before Han Dynasty .

  28. 本论文由绪论和三章构成。绪论对仫佬族的民族源流与文化传统进行了概括和介绍,以便读者对仫佬族有一个初步的了解。

    The introduction summarized and introduced the national source and cultural tradition for readers ' preliminary understanding of Mulam .

  29. 中国辽金元玉器的民族风格与文化艺术特征

    Ethnic style and cultural artistic characters of jade articles made in Liao , Jin , Yuan dynasties of China

  30. 试论中西方神话的民族属性与文化内涵中西绘画发展探源&水墨意笔绘画与印象主义绘画之比较

    Comparison of National Characteristics and Culture Connotations in Western and Chinese Myths The Evolution of Chinese and western Painting