
  • Avril Lavigne;my happy ending;Avril Ramona Lavigne
  1. 在距上一张专辑《TheBestDamnThing》发行四年之久后,朋克小魔女艾薇儿确定了粉丝期待已久的第四张专辑发售日期。

    Nearly four years after the release of The Best Damn Thing , Avril Lavigne has finally set a date for her long-awaited fourth studio album .

  2. AbbeyDawn品牌沿袭了艾薇儿一贯的朋克风格,皮革、怪异的配饰、提格布再配上粉红色。

    Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne features her usual punk look with plenty of hot pinks mixed with leather , quirky accessories and checks .

  3. 《每日邮报》也引述了代表了艾薇儿的人才公司的CEO迈克•海勒的推特。

    The Daily Mail also cited a Tweet by Mike Heller , the CEO of the talent company that represents Lavigne .

  4. 加拿大朋克歌手艾薇儿•拉维妮周一晚上在上海为BlackStarTour举行的激情四射的演出博得满场喝彩。

    North American pop punk star Avril Lavigne brought the house down during a passionate performance in Shanghai on Monday night as part of her Black Star tour .

  5. 1913年10月,他的第一封信被送到艾薇儿卡托(AvrilCato)的手中。

    His first letter reached Avril Cato in October 1913 .

  6. 今年第47期的集英社《少年JUMP》杂志日前公布了加拿大歌手艾薇儿将为今年的《海贼王》剧场版献唱2首主题曲的消息。

    This year 's 47th issue of Shueisha 's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is announcing on Monday that Canadian singer Avril Lavigne is contributing two theme songs for this year 's One Piece Film Z film .

  7. Kroeger,38岁,在与艾薇儿约会了六个月后于去年8月求婚了。

    Kroeger , 38 , popped the question last August after dating Lavigne for six months .

  8. 当Kroeger促成了艾薇儿的最新专辑《Here'sToNeverGrowingUp》,两人去年2月在一起,Kroeger去年8月甜蜜求婚,献给他的未婚妻一枚令人印象深刻的14克拉钻石戒指。

    The duo got together last February when Kroeger contributed to Lavigne 's latest album , Here 's To Never Growing Up . Kroeger sweetly proposed last August – presenting his fianc é e with an impressive 14-carat diamond ring .

  9. 瑞安格林斯,艾薇儿拉维根,贾斯汀比伯,席琳迪翁

    Ryan Gosling , Avril Lavigne , Justin Bieber , Celine Dion

  10. 接着,是我和艾薇儿的时代。

    Then , it was my time with Avril Lavigne .

  11. 艾薇儿今年要发行一张新专辑!

    Avril Lavigne is releasing a new album this year !

  12. 婚礼之后艾薇儿就随大卫去了美国。

    Avril left for America with David the day after their wedding .

  13. 艾薇儿来到《亚洲名人聊天室》畅聊关于音乐、时尚、慈善事业话题。

    Avril Lavigne discusses music , fashion and chairty work with TALK ASIA .

  14. 艾薇儿,你唱得很好而且你的歌都好好听。

    Avril , you sings very well and your songs are pretty good .

  15. 你喜欢艾薇儿,对吧?

    You like Avril Lavigne , right ?

  16. 艾薇儿的家人给了他们祝福。

    Avril 's family gave their blessing .

  17. 艾薇儿的风格变得更加细腻更加深情。

    In this new album , Avril 's style takes a more delicate and soulful turn .

  18. 艾薇儿在1962年过世。

    Avril passed away in 1962 .

  19. 艾薇儿和德里克2006年7月在加利福尼亚州秘密完婚。

    Avril , 24 , and Deryck , 29 , have been married for over three years .

  20. 一名和艾薇儿阵营亲近的知情人士告诉《人物》周六没有举行婚礼。

    A source close to the Avril camp tells PEOPLE that the wedding did not happen Saturday .

  21. 周三晚上在伦敦拍摄的一张照片中,艾薇儿看起来像她可能怀孕了。

    In photo taken Wednesday night in London , Avril Lavigne looks like she could be expecting .

  22. 我只是喜欢原始的艾薇儿,我觉得她还是过去的她。

    I just love the original Avril and I think she is still who she used to be .

  23. 今天她会公布自己录音室的新专辑,艾薇儿在13个国家中已经排名第一。

    Today she 's releasing her faith studio album , Avril Lavigne is already NO.1 in thirteen countries .

  24. 当艾薇儿宣布与她结婚了3年的丈夫离婚时,你一定感到非常震惊。

    We doubt you were shocked when Avril Lavigne announced she was splitting from her husband of three years .

  25. 滑板女孩艾薇儿似乎摒弃了她的标志性装扮:T恤衫和球鞋,取而代之的是更成熟的装扮。

    Skater girl Avril Lavigne seems to have ditched her trademark T-shirts and trainers for an altogether more grown-up look .

  26. 艾薇儿告诉我,路透社的记者不能够发表自己的个人观点,因为路透社的报道是客观的。

    Reuters reporters can 't really give their personal views on subjects as the agency is supposed to be objective .

  27. 先前的谣言说艾薇儿会给中国的观众带来中国式的女朋友。

    Previous rumours purported that Avirl Lavigne may sing a mandarin version of " Girl Friend " for Chinese audience .

  28. 这对夫妇没有透露婚礼日期,但艾薇儿最近说她未婚夫应该期待很棒的事情。

    The couple have not revealed a wedding date , but Lavigne recently said her fianc é should expect great things .

  29. 艾薇儿甩掉她标志性的匡威鞋、骷髅头T恤,换上了今年大为流行的高跟鱼嘴鞋,涂上了鲜红的口红和甲油。

    The singer even ditched her Converse trainers and skull and crossbones T-shirts for peep toe heels , blood red lipstick .

  30. 仅仅交往了一个月,查德就向艾薇儿求婚了,这是他的第一次婚姻。

    Chad - who was marrying for the first time - admitted he proposed to Avril after just a month of dating .