
mín zú yī yào
  • ethnomedicine
  1. 发展蒙医蒙药,振兴民族医药产业

    Develop traditional Mongolian medicine and pharmacy and promote national medical industries

  2. 少数民族医药中微量元素研究的现状和展望

    Progression on studies of trace elements in the Minority Nationality Medicine

  3. 湖北省恩施自治州民族医药资源研究现状与开发前景

    Present Study and Development Prospect of National Medicines of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture

  4. 中国民族医药的发展概况及其前景

    General Situation and Prospect of the Chinese Ethno-medicine 's Development

  5. 对维吾尔民族医药知识产权保护的思考

    Speculations about the Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Uygur Medicine

  6. 对加强云南省民族医药继承发展工作的再思考

    Reflection on Enhancing Works of Inheriting and Developing Nationalistic Medicine in Yunnan Province

  7. 扶持传统民族医药保护非物质文化遗产

    Helped Traditional Medical Knowledge and Preserved Intangible Cultural Heritage

  8. 民族医药的知识产权保护

    Protecting Traditional Chinese Medicine by Intellectual Property Right Law

  9. 关于香格里拉民族医药概念的提出

    Putting Forward the Concept of Shangrila Minority Medicine

  10. 我国的民族医药和中医一样,也面临诸多问题。

    Our national medicine and traditional Chinese medicine , is also facing many problems .

  11. 目的:解决牛黄原料匮乏问题,为民族医药工业发展提供充足的优质牛黄原料药。

    AIM : In order to resolve the shortage raw material of Calculus bovis .

  12. 湖南省绥宁县生态环境与民族医药状况的调查报告

    The Investigation on the Environment and Indigenous Medical Knowledge in Suining of Hunan Province

  13. 贵州民族医药的传承与人才培养问题浅谈

    On Guizhou Ethnic Medication Inheritance and Talent Development

  14. 中国民族医药的现状概论

    Current Situation of Ethnic Medicine in China

  15. 要保护好我省彝族医药文化,一是制定专门的少数民族医药文化保护和发展条例,从政策上保护;

    One is formulating a policy for preserving and developing medicine and herbs of Yi .

  16. 中医中药和民族医药相结合在癌症治疗中的应用

    Application of the Combination of TCM with Traditional Minority Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer

  17. 民族医药是中华医药学宝库的重要组成部分。

    Ethnic-minority medicine forms an important part of the treasure-house of Chinese medicine and pharmacology .

  18. 大力发展中医药和民族医药事业,落实各项扶持政策。

    We will vigorously develop traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic minority medicine and implement supporting policies .

  19. 目的:为了迎接知识经济挑战,振兴民族医药工业。

    OBJECTIVES : For meeting the challenges of knowledge economy and invigorating our national pharmaceutical industry .

  20. 中国民族医药是各少数民族历史上的医学创造和医学积累。

    The traditional Chinese ethnic minority medicine comprise the creation and accumulation of every ethnic minority .

  21. 扶持中医药和民族医药事业发展。

    We should support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities .

  22. 扶持和促进中医药、民族医药事业发展。

    We will support and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine and folk medicines of ethnic minorities .

  23. 国家积极扶持对少数民族医药的开发和应用。

    Also , the state has provided active support for the development and application of ethnic minority traditional medicine .

  24. 本文论述了中国民族医药产业的现状,并指出了当前我国医药产业存在的问题和不足。

    This article deals with the state of China 's national medicine industry , pointing out existing problems and weakness .

  25. 民族医药是我国少数民族传统医学的结晶,具有鲜明的民族特色和地域特色。

    Traditional Chinese medicine , with its distinctive national and regional features , is the cream of national medical science .

  26. 发展民族医药,探讨彝族医学理论与中医学相关理论的关系。

    Developing nationality medicine , to research the relationship between theory of Yi nationality medicine and correlated theories of traditional Chinese medicine .

  27. 制定和实施扶持中医药和民族医药事业发展的措施。

    Measures will be formulated and implemented to support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the folk medicines of ethnic minorities .

  28. 文中提出了西部民族医药资源开发是发展西部特色经济的重要内容。

    This paper brings forward that the development of western ethical medicine resources an important content of the development of western characteristic economy .

  29. 恩施自治州(简称恩施州)民族医药资源研究,目前主要是(1)基础研究,即资源普查和标本鉴定;

    The study on national medicines of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture mainly focus on ( 1 ) foundamental study-general resouces investigation and sample identication ;

  30. 本文阐述了濒危的野生药物,对民族医药发展的影响,并提出拯救濒危药物的建议。

    This article expounds how drugs of dying out affect development of ethnic medicine and puts forward to suggestions about saving such drugs .