
  • 网络tianjin binhai new area;tbna
  1. 随着天津滨海新区(以下简称新区)的开发开放上升为国家级发展战略,其旅游业也迎来了前所未有的发展契机,但同时仍然存在一定的不利因素和竞争挑战。

    As the development and opening up of Tianjin binhai new area rising to the national strategy , its tourism also has unprecedented development opportunities , but is still faced with some disadvantages and competitive challenges .

  2. 目前,天津滨海新区的发展已引起社会各界人士的广泛关注,一些学者和研究机构开始对滨海新区的发展进行深入研究。

    At present , the development of Binhai new area has already caused the extensive concern of the personages of various circles of society , some scholars and research institutions begin to carry on further investigation on development of Binhai new area .

  3. 基于FDI技术溢出效应的天津滨海新区产业集群升级

    Upgrade of Industrial Clusters of Binhai New Area of Tianjin Based on FDI Technology Spillover Effect

  4. 天津滨海新区OTC市场运行模式研究

    Research on OTC Market Operational Pattern in Binhai New Area of Tianjin

  5. 基于DEA的经济新区投资绩效评价&以天津滨海新区为例

    The Investment efficiency evaluation of New Economic area based on DEA & Take Tianjin New coastal area as the example

  6. 空客A320总装线项目坐落于天津滨海新区,包括总装厂房、动力中心、喷漆机库、机库厂房以及支持服务中心等子项目。

    The Airbus 320 Buildings is located in Binhai District , Tianjin . It comprises Final Flight Hangar Building , Dynamic Center , Spray Paint Hangar Building , Post-assembly Flight Hangar Building and Service Center .

  7. 天津滨海新区跨世纪发展战略研究

    Development Strategy of Tianjin New Coastal Region in the 21st Century

  8. 谈天津滨海新区投资银行业务的先行先试

    Launching Investment Banking Business in the New Developed Area of Binhai

  9. 天津滨海新区信息共享空间建设模型的构建

    On the Construction of IC Model of Tianjin Binhai New Area

  10. 天津滨海新区&政策建构的城市

    Tianjin Binhai New Area : A City Established by National Strategies

  11. 天津滨海新区环境状况分析及对策建议

    Environmental Situation Analysis of Tianjin Coastal New Area and Some Suggestions

  12. 天津滨海新区港口区域景观规划与设计探究

    Tianjin Binhai New Area Port District View Programming and Design Investigation

  13. 天津滨海新区开发过程中生物入侵风险分析

    Risk Assessment of Biological Invasion in New Coastal Area of Tianjin

  14. 天津滨海新区公共设施设计美学探讨

    On Art Design of Public Facilities of Tianjin Coastal New Area

  15. 天津滨海新区&第二个浦东

    New District of Binhai , Tianjin & The 2nd Pudong

  16. 天津滨海新区发展国际物流中心的要素分析

    Factors analysis on international logistics center of Binhai new area in Tianjin

  17. 天津滨海新区国际物流中心建设的战略思考

    Strategical Thinking on Building International Logistical Center in Tianjin Binhai New Area

  18. 天津滨海新区海水淡化水的优化配置研究

    Optimization of Distribution of Desalinated Water in Binhai , Tianjin

  19. 天津滨海新区循环经济动力机制研究

    Study on Dynamic Mechanism of Circular Economy in Tianjin Binhai New Area

  20. 天津滨海新区盐池路段软土路基施工

    Soft Soil Subgrade Constructions at Salt Pond Area of Binhai New Area

  21. 天津滨海新区海洋经济可持续发展潜力探讨

    Marine economy sustainable development potential assessment of Binhai New Area of Tianjin

  22. 天津滨海新区新构造分区与地震活动

    Neotectonic zoning and seismic activity in Tianjin New Coastal Area

  23. 模糊数学法在环境质量评价中的应用&以天津滨海新区为例

    Application Of Environment Quality Evaluation with Fuzzy Mathematics method

  24. 天津滨海新区建立离岸金融市场研究

    Research on the Construction of New Area Offshore Financial Market in Tianjin Binhai

  25. 循环经济发展战略下的企业决策行为研究&以天津滨海新区为例

    The enterprises decision-making behavior under the circular economy strategies

  26. 山东省与天津滨海新区地缘经济关系分析

    Anlysis on the inter-regional economic relationship between Shandong and Tianjin Binhai nwe area

  27. 天津滨海新区经济增长金融支持研究

    A Study on the Financial Supported Economic Growth of Tianjin Binhai New Area

  28. 关于重构天津滨海新区产业群落的策略研究

    Strategies Research on Re-construction of the Industrial Cluster in Tianjin Binhai New Area

  29. 天津滨海新区技术标准发展策略研究

    The Study on the Technical Standards Development Strategy of Tianjin Binhai New Area

  30. 天津滨海新区行政管理体制改革探析

    An Analysis on the Administrative System Reformation of Binhai New Area of Tianjin