
  • 网络service marketing segmentation
  1. 产业服务市场细分研究

    Research on Industrial Service Marketing Segmentation

  2. 并运用服务营销的知识,对法律服务市场进行市场细分,并选择出目标市场,提出差异化经营的理念。

    With the knowledge of marketing of service , the thesis will subdivide the legal service market and choose the target market and apply the conception of differentiation management .

  3. 文章从网络营销的基本问题入手,结合信息服务的特点,提出了信息服务网络营销的市场细分策略、品牌策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。

    From the basic questions of information service and Internet Marketing , the author puts forward some strategies such as the marketing division strategy , the brand strategy , price strategy , channel strategy and sales promotion strategy .

  4. 本文通过分析IT服务市场的情况,了解服务方式的分类和服务市场的细分,发现中小型企业在IT服务市场的商机巨大。

    This text passes through analyzing the circumstances of IT service market , understanding the classification of the service means and subdividing the service market and then reveals that the medium-small scaled enterprises have the vast opportunities of business at IT service market .