
fú wù zhì liànɡ
  • quality of service;service quality
  1. 今天,这个行业正在经历一场新的革命,这一次是改变服务质量。

    Today , the industry is going through a new revolution — this time transforming service quality .

  2. 如何提高IP网络多媒体业务的服务质量等。

    How to promote the service quality of IP Internet multimedia .

  3. 分批、分类处理查询将会提高服务质量。

    The service will be improved by batching and sorting enquiries .

  4. 人员的裁减和服务质量的下降之间显然是有联系的。

    There is an unquestionable link between job losses and deteriorating services .

  5. 我们想要止住公共服务质量下滑的局面。

    We want to stop the slippage of the quality of public services .

  6. 旅游团对这家饭店餐厅的服务质量抱怨颇多

    The group are grousing about the service in the hotel restaurant .

  7. 企业有义务拿出证据证明产品安全、拿出措施提升产品和服务质量、拿出诚意解决涉及到的消费者诉求。

    Enterprises are obliged to produce evidence to prove product safety , take measures to improve the quality of products and services , and meet demands of consumers with sincerity .

  8. “神秘购物”是市场调查公司和监管机构的外部调查工具,也可以由公司作为内部调查使用,以衡量服务质量、是否遵守规则,或作收集产品和服务的特定信息之用。

    Mystery shopping is a tool used externally by market research companies , watchdog organizations , or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service , or compliance1 with regulation , or to gather specific information about products and services .

  9. IP服务质量研究

    Investigation of quality of service in IP network

  10. IP网络的服务质量保证

    Guarantee of Quality of Service on IP Networks

  11. IP家庭网络的服务质量架构研究

    Study of QoS architecture of IP home networks

  12. 解决IP网络服务质量问题的方法

    The Solutions to the IP QoS Problem

  13. IP核心网中VoIP业务服务质量的初步研究

    Preliminary research on QoS mechanism for VoIP in core IP networks

  14. 只有综合应用策略路由、数据报分类调度和标签交换才能有效实现Internet环境下对端到端服务质量的控制;

    MPLS must be used in company with policy based routing and packet classification to provide end-to-end QoS service in Internet ;

  15. 第二章介绍了SIP协议、RTP/RTCP协议和服务质量(QoS)。

    Chapter 2 introduces the SIP , RTP / RTCP and QoS .

  16. 基于用户满意度的IC服务质量评价体系的构建

    Construction of Evaluation System for Information Commons Service Quality based on User 's Satisfaction

  17. 保证服务质量(QoS)的通信是当今网络发展的必然趋势之一。

    One trend of Internet development is to guarantee quality of service ( QoS ) .

  18. 将上述方法相结合,有效解决了牵引变电所信息综合传输的服务质量(QoS)问题。

    The ways indicated above connect , it can effectively solves the QoS of comprehensive information transmission .

  19. 具有服务质量保证的QoS路由技术是为具有QoS要求的多媒体等网络业务提供有保证的网络服务的核心要素。

    QoS routing is an essential mechanism for networks to provide quality-of-service guarantees to the multimedia traffic .

  20. 第三代蜂窝移动通信系统能以不同的数据率和服务质量(QualityOfService,QoS)支持不同类型的通信业务。

    The third generation cellular mobile communication system is expected to support various kinds of communication services with different data rates and quality of service ( QoS ) .

  21. 为适应日益广泛的多Agent系统应用需求,在Agent通信报文设计中考虑了不同网络服务质量及安全参数。

    To serve the broader applications of multi-a-gent system , the paper introduces the network service quality and security parameters into the datagram for the agent communication .

  22. MPLS实现流量工程及服务质量的技术分析

    MPLS Traffic Engineering and IP QoS Technologic Analysis

  23. 提高NGN的服务质量势在必行。

    To improve the QoS of NGN is very necessary .

  24. 当前服务质量是多媒体信息传输的关键,但是传统的Internet缺乏动态的服务质量控制机制。

    The Quality of Service ( QoS ) is one of the key problems of multimedia data transportation . However , the traditional Internet lacks dynamic QoS control mechanism .

  25. 由于VOIP的关键技术包括信令技术、编码技术、实时传输技术、服务质量(QOS)保证技术等。

    The key techniques of VOIP include signaling , encoding , Real-time transmission , QOS and so on .

  26. GH公司汽车售后服务质量现状分析及改进建议

    The GH Company Automobile After-sales Service Quantity Present Condition Analysis and the Improvement Suggestion

  27. 因特网的迅猛发展和新业务的不断出现导致对服务质量(QualityOfService,QoS)的需求越来越高。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and emergence of new business on it , the problem of Internet QoS ( Quality of Service ) has become a hot research area .

  28. 满足不同服务质量(QoS)业务是Beyond3G系统必须考虑的一个问题。

    To satisfy the QoS requirement of various type of services is one of the most concerned issues of beyond 3G wireless communication systems .

  29. 这些网络控制算法大致可分为三大类:网络路由算法、网络拥塞控制算法、网络服务质量(QoS)控制算法。

    These control algorithms can be divided into three categories : Network Routing Algorithm , Network Congestion Control Algorithm and Network QoS Control Algorithm .

  30. 为了提高服务质量,也需要进行SaaS服务和应用程序的测试。

    You need to conduct testing of SaaS services and applications to improve quality of services .