
  1. 风能和太阳能几乎完全被用于发电,而电力占全球最终能源需求的40%左右,目前在总排放量中所占比例略高一些。

    Wind and solar are focused almost entirely on the production of electricity , which represents around 40 per cent of final energy demand worldwide and accounts for a slightly higher proportion of total emissions .

  2. 但俄罗斯的管道道奇可能最终破坏能源合作伙伴关系。

    But Russia 's pipeline dodge could eventually undermine the energy partnership .

  3. 全球正面临着能源危机,以能源植物为原料生产石油替代品是全人类最终的能源之路。

    The world is being faced with the energy crisis . Obtaining oil substitute from energy plants is the final energy way for human beings .

  4. 风能是新能源中发展最为迅速,技术条件最成熟的新能源之一,为人类最终解决能源问题带来了新希望。

    Wind power is one of the new energies which has most rapid development and mature technical conditions . That brings the new hope to solve the energy problem for the humans .

  5. 同时,作为能源产业的微观主体,能源企业也通过资本市场完成自身管理制度的改革,同时对外进行兼并重组,最终推动能源产业优化。

    At the same time , as the microcosmic subject of energy industry , energy companies complete their management system reform through the capital market , improving the optimization of energy industry by mergers and acquisitions .

  6. 利用碳纳米管来进行生物测定的应用正在取得快速进展。利用纳米碳管的吸附特性,制备储能物质,最终解决能源危机和环境污染问题,是各国政府都在下大本钱在做的事情。

    Each government is exerting their utmost to solve the energy crisis and the environmental pollution problem by the preparation of the energy storage material using the adsorptive characteristic of carbon nanotubes . The application on biological detection has been progress badly based on carbon nanotubes .

  7. 但是,这项研究成果能为最终的清洁能源产品点亮成功之路。

    But the work could light one path to the eventual production of cleaner energy .

  8. 城市化导致产业结构的演变升级,最终影响了能源消费和碳排放。

    Urbanization leads to the evolution and upgrade of industrial structure , ultimately impact energy consumption and carbon emissions .

  9. 可是,在最终确定美国能源部的下矣闽财政预算案之前,不会收到完全的延期放行旌旗灯号。

    But the extension will not receive the full go-ahead until the Department of Energy 's next budget is finalised .

  10. 我国完全有能力保证经济社会发展对能源的需求,最终实现对能源利用的平稳的更新换代。

    China has the ability to ensure the supply of energy , and the smooth renew of energy utilization will be realized finally .

  11. 希腊受到债权人的压力,要求它重启Admie私有化进程,最终实现希腊能源业的自由化。

    Athens is under pressure from creditors to resume the Admie privatisation process as part of a broader liberalisation of the energy sector .

  12. 我们还可以研究怎样为运输方式转换、促进跨边境的能源贸易、以及提高最终用户的能源使用效率提供援助。

    We could also look at supporting inter-modal shifts in transportation , promoting cross-border energy trade , and complementing end-use improvements in energy efficiency .

  13. 最终发挥濒海能源植物碳贸易优势,让其发出的“热量”为减排“温室气体”和滨海经济发展增加动力。

    Ultimately , these would bring the carbon-trading strengths of coastal energy crops into play , reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and benefitting the coastal economy .

  14. 类似事情还在继续发生,但是关键是:这种立法最终让洁净能源成为有利可图的能源。

    The list goes on and on , but the point is this : this legislation will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy .

  15. 本文试图通过所学经济管理相关理论分析该公司的成功与失败之处,以便从中找到规律性的东西从而最终确立新能源公司的最优化发展战略。

    This article try to analysis its succeed and lost by economy theory in order to find some rule so that finally establish optimum development strategy .

  16. 基础能源的垄断属性将可能最终使替代能源与目标能源的竞争关系转变为价格继承关系。

    The monopolistic nature of basic energy may eventually convert the competing relationship between alternative energy sources and target energy sources to a price inheritance relationship .

  17. 当今科技的迅猛发展,能源在工业生产与民用生活中消耗量日益增大,最终将会出现能源枯竭。而制冷空调作为一个高能耗的产业,能源利用问题尤其关键;

    Energy is utilized in the fields of industrial production and people 's everyday life increasingly with development of science technology , therefore it will result in energy absence .

  18. 摘要国际能源合作的形式是多种多样的,但是不论何种合作形式,最终参与国际能源合作的行为主体是微观层面的能源企业。

    Although , international energy cooperation has different forms , energy enterprises are the ultimate actors as a micro main body , which takes part in the international energy cooperation .

  19. 美国还希望中国消除影响双边贸易和投资流动的障碍,并最终同意在能源安全和环境等领域进行合作。

    The US also wants China to remove obstacles to the two-way flow of trade and investment and lastly , to agree to co-operate in areas such as energy security and the environment .

  20. 为居住小区住户提供一个安全、舒适、方便、快捷的家居环境,最终实现节约能源,降低运营成本,保护环境、提高服务质量等目标。

    Area residents living in a safe , comfortable , convenient , fast home environment , and ultimately realizing energy conservation , reduce operating costs , protect the environment and improve service quality , and other objectives .

  21. 核聚变能目前是认识到的可以最终解决人类能源和环境问题的最重要的途径之一,经过许多科学工作者半个多世纪的努力,可控聚变研究取得了重大的进展。

    Confined fusion is one of the most important ways for finally solving mankind 's demand for energy without polluting the environment . Confined fusion research has achieved great progress as result of the efforts devoted to fusion research over a half century .

  22. 举例来说,世行的能源获取行动计划未能预见到:像乍得这样的穷国,其最终追求的能源消费量,可能会高于像保加利亚这样的中等收入国家能源消费量的十分之一。

    For example , the World Bank 's action plan for energy access fails to foresee that residents of a poor nation such as Chad might eventually aspire to use more than , say , a 10th of the energy consumption enjoyed by a middle-income nation such as Bulgaria .

  23. 全球变暖的威胁将最终迫使美国减缓能源消耗。

    The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption .

  24. 他也希望发展近海石油开采,他说,这最终会降低美国能源价格。

    He also wants to expand offshore oil drilling which he says will ultimately reduce energy costs .

  25. 介绍了全球能源形势的变化趋势,说明化石能源最终要被生态能源取代;

    The paper introduces the trend in the change of global energy situation , indicating that fossil energy will eventually be substituted by ecology energy .

  26. 随着煤、石油、天然气等不可再生资源在这几十年来被不断地消耗,太阳能最终将取代其他能源成为主要能源。

    With the non-renewable resources about coal , oil and natural gas , etc in the decades to be constantly consumed , solar energy will eventually replace other resources to be main stream .

  27. 在建筑能耗中,空调能耗占据了相当大的比例,常规的空调系统都是电驱动、锅炉蒸汽驱动或者燃气驱动,而这些都最终以消耗化石能源为代价。

    Air conditioning accounts for a large proportion of the energy consumed in buildings . Conventional air conditioning systems are driven by electricity , boilers , or natural gas , all of which contribute to the depletion of fossil energy .