
  • 网络Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization
  1. 函数最值问题的解法探讨

    The Exploration on the Solution of Functional Maximum or Minimum Problem

  2. 三角函数中的最值问题

    On the Problems of the Maximum and the Minimum of Trigonometric Functions

  3. 函数图象在求最值问题中的应用例举

    The Examples of Image of Function Used in Finding Max and Min

  4. 费马原理与运动性最值问题探讨

    A Probe into Fermat 's Principle and the Extreme Value of Motility

  5. 应用圆锥曲线定义解决最值问题的一种模型

    One Model of Solving the Maximum-minimum Value by Using the Definition of Conic

  6. 判断一类几何最值问题可解性的计算机算法

    Computer algorithm for judging the solvability of a kind of geometrical maximum or minimum

  7. 中学数学建模与最值问题

    Middle School Mathematical Model and Maximum-or-Minimum Value

  8. 关于最值问题的求法

    On the problem of extreme value

  9. 从初等数学到高等数学,我们经常研究函数的最值问题。

    From elementary mathematics to advanced mathematics , we have been studying the issue of the maximum and minimum of the function .

  10. 偏导数还有一个重要用处,就是最优化以及解决最值问题。

    One important application we have seen of partial derivatives is to try to optimize things , try to solve minimum / maximum problems .

  11. 实际问题中的最值问题,常见的有价格和利润的最值问题和面积最值问题,用二次函数模型就能迎刃而解。

    The optimal value problems seen in real life such as price , benefits and area measurement can be solved with quadratic function easily .

  12. 圆锥曲线最值问题是高中数学中的重点和难点问题,一般是和其他内容联合起来的综合题。

    Problem is the most value conical section the key and difficult point for high school maths problem , is generally and other content combine comprehensive problem .

  13. 构造向量,利用向量内积进行求解,为函数最值问题的解决,开辟了一种新的思路和方法。

    But the author explored a new way to solve this problem , which is to wake up vector and make us of the internal product to go on solution .

  14. 不完全是,事实上,我是在用找最近点的这个例子,来阐述怎么做这种最值问题。

    Not quite . Actually , here I am just using this idea of finding a point closest to the origin to illustrate an example of a min / max problem .

  15. 在现实生活及各个领域中经常涉及到非有限闭区间上连续函数的最值问题,因此有必要讨论非有限闭区间上连续函数最值的存在性。

    The actual life together with various fields , often involves close-range continuous function on the most limited value , it is necessary to discuss the existence of continuous function maximum and minimum on a closed interval value .

  16. 本文首先说明构造法所体现的数学思想方法,然后从构造几何图形,利用图形特征的角度谈谈构造法在求解最值问题中的应用。

    This article first illustrates mathematical ideas and methods that structural methods embody and then talks about application of structural methods to determining the maximum and minimum value from the angle of constructing geometric figure and making use of their characteristics .

  17. 该方案中将各权系数的求解问题转化为在融合中心处虚警概率恒定时,数学上求解在条件约束时的多变量凸函数最值问题,使信号的检测概率最大。

    In this program , the solution of the weight coefficient is transformed into the solution of the most value problem of the constraint multi-variable convex function mathematically at a constant false alarm probability in the FC , to make the probability of signal detection greatest .

  18. 学生对最值问题学习缺乏兴趣的主要原因是:这部分内容太零散,且与其他数学知识和实际生活联系密切,练习题综合程度高、难度大。

    The main reason for their lack of interest is that the content of Maximum and minimum value is loose and that exercises is rather difficult because of comprehensiveness and the fact that this part is closely related to practical life , along with other mathematics knowledge .

  19. 本文通过对一些典型例题的分析和解答,归纳了解析几何中常见的解决最值问题的思想方法,总结了解答典型例题的具体规律,并提供了一些常用的解题方法、技能与技巧。

    Through analysis and solution on a few typical examples , this article summarizes the most popular ways and thinking of solving the extreme value problems and concrete rules of solving typical problems , and provides some approaches and techniques of solving the problems in common use as well .

  20. 构造几何图形求最值解问题

    The Problem of Determining the Maximum and Minimum Value of Constructing Geometric Figures

  21. 线形规划:求线性函数在线性约束下达最值的问题。

    Linear planning : it 's the issue for computing the minimum or maximum value of linear function under the linear constraint .

  22. 试图探索动态立体几何与最值或值域问题,寻找其解题途径、规律和策略;

    This report tries to explore questions concerning dynamic solid geometry and its relations with threshold value and range in order to find out the tactics of solving the geometric problems .

  23. 为了进一步减小故障选择阶段的复杂度,我们将故障诊断问题转化为独立寻找每个节点最可能值的问题,并提出了相应的故障诊断算法。

    To reduce the complexity of fault selection , we transform the fault diagnosis problem of finding MPE into finding most likely assignment of each fault , and propose corresponding algorithm .

  24. 导数不仅为解决函数的极值、最值、单调性问题提供了一种有效的途径,而且在解决数列求知、方程根的个数、证明(不)等式等其它问题都有广泛的应用。

    This paper puts forward that derivative is not only used in solving the problems such as : the extreme value of function , monotonicity of function and so on but also widely used in solving the problem the sum of sequence , root number of equation etc. proving monotonicity ;