
  • 网络minimum protection
  1. 较高浓度的HBIG和最低保护浓度的HBIG不能阻断乙型肝炎病毒感染体外培养的JAR细胞。

    The groups of high concentration of HBIG and the group of minimum protection concentration of HBIG can not block HBV infect JAR cells in vitro . 3 .

  2. TRIPS协议在明确知识产权作为一种私权应予以保护的同时提高了保护标准,将专利的保护范围扩大到了产品保护,最低保护期限也延长至20年。

    TRIPS agreement clear that intellectual property as a private right should be protected , while raising the standards of patent protection will be extended to product protection , the minimum term of protection is also extended to 20 years .

  3. 基于此背景,本文通过分析中国商业秘密保护现状,然后以发达国家保护标准及Trips的最低保护水平为平台,找出中国商业秘密保护存在的问题。

    On the base of the back age , the article hope to find out the default and problems of Chinese trade secret law protection when contrasting to developed states and the lowest protective level of Trips by analyzing trade secret protective status quo of China .

  4. 不执行规定的限价、最低保护价的;

    Failing to implement the prescribe fixed price or minimum protective price ;

  5. 但根据我国评估市场不成熟的实际,应由政府管理部门制定指导价格或最低保护价格。

    However , due to the immaturity Of valuation market , government should institute guided or protective price .

  6. 此标准提出和规定了不同安全保护等级信息系统的最低保护要求,即基本安全要求。

    The standard raises the minimum standards of different level of security to protect information systems , that is , the basic safety requirements .

  7. 第五章评析了我国的粮食最低保护价、生产直补等补贴政策的功过,设计了短缺及过剩时的补贴方案。

    Chapter Five analyzes the merits and demerits of grain subsidy policies ever implemented in China , including price protection , direct subsidization for production and design the grain subsidy schemes under the conditions of grain shortage and surplus .

  8. 第二,创建多管齐下的粮食价格形成机制:继续实行并完善粮食最低保护价收购政策;完善和发展粮食期货市场;进一步改革粮食直接补贴政策。

    Secondly , food prices to create a multi-pronged mechanism : continue to implement and improve the minimum grain price protection policies ; improved and the development of grain futures market ; further policy reform and direct subsidies to grain .

  9. 方法体外培养条件下,用中性红吸附试验(NRU)测定TCE对NHEK的中性红吸附减少50%的质量浓度(NR50值)和EGb的最低有效保护质量浓度。

    Methods NR_50 values of TCE to NHEK and the lowest effective protection dose of EGb were assayed by neutral red uptake ( NRU ) in vitro .

  10. 无线传感器网络的最低能量保护分簇算法

    Lowest-Energy Protect Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

  11. 但美国政府的计划将授予新消费者保护机构起草最低消费者保护标准的权力,使各州能自行制定更严格的规定。

    The administration plan , however , would enable the new consumer agency to draft minimum consumer protection standards , leaving states free to adopt more stringent rules .

  12. 国家将制定受灾木竹最低收购保护价,并督促金融机构给予更多支持或对由于受灾所造成的坏账给予适当豁免。

    The State will use " protective prices " in purchase of damaged bamboo and lumber , and urged financial institutions to give greater support or write off bad loans due to disasters in the sector .

  13. 本文首先建立了国家产业最低价格保护和直接补贴保护的经济模型,从模型定性分析了两种不同政策的有效性,提出了不同产业价格保护的政策性选择思路。

    In this paper , the economic models about the industrial protective through the limited price and direct allowance are established in the first . Second , the efficiency of the two different policies are analyzed and the method of the policy choice is putted forward .

  14. TRIPS协议几乎为所有类型的知识产权确立了最低的全球保护和实施标准,其中包括与药品有关的知识产权。

    The TRIPS Agreement introduced a minimum global standard for the protection and enforcement of nearly all categories of intellectual property rights : patents , trademarks , copyrights , and undisclosed information , including those applying to Pharmaceuticals .

  15. 您的收件箱将受到最低级别的保护。

    Your Inbox will be protected on a minimal level .

  16. 最低工资制度保护的是低端劳动力的利益。

    Minimum wage system protects the low - grade laborers ' benefit .

  17. 其目的在于:限制工人的工作时间,保证工人每周得到休息,确保最低工资,保护家政人员免受雇主暴力侵犯。

    Its goal is to limit working hours , guarantee weekly days off , ensure a minimum wage and protect domestic workers from violent employers .

  18. 修订后的版权法还可以帮助中国彻底执行相关的条约对互联网版权作品进行最低标准的保护。

    The amendments also help China get closer to full implementation of treaties that provide the minimum level of protection for copyright works on the Internet .

  19. 这使得使用者能够表达最低级别的保护和最大的功能,并与可能实际包含其他保护的相应提供者进行匹配。

    This enables consumers to express minimal levels of protection and maximum capabilities , and to be matched with appropriate providers who may , in fact , include additional protections .

  20. 地下水资源可持续发展观即在满足社会经济发展需要的同时,将地下水资源开发带来的环境生态负效应降到最低,达到保护地下水资源、长期持续开发利用地下水的目的。

    The sustainable development concept of groundwater resources is to meet the requirements of social and economic development and minimize the negative ecological environmental impacts at the same time , in order to protect groundwater resources .

  21. 提出溢流口放置在工程区西部,可将大铲湾近岸养殖区影响减至最低,同时保护工程区东部浅水航道的稳定。

    The installed point-out overflow port in the western part of projects bring the least minimum influence to breed aquatics district set in the DaChan Gulf as well as the stability of eastern shallow draft waterway in the safeguard .

  22. 在闭馆时间博物馆安保人员的日常巡逻不充分,没有达到最低安全需求来保护国际知名的艺术作品,他说。

    The museum guards'daily rounds at closing time were inadequate and did not meet minimum security requirements to protect internationally renowned works of art , he said .

  23. 目前,通过制定最低工资立法并实施最低工资保障制度保护低收入群体已成为世界各国的普遍做法。

    At present , through make minimum wage legislate and implement minimum wage ensure system to protect low income employee become general method of countries all over the world already .

  24. 不及格达到的学术等级低于最低限度您的收件箱将受到最低级别的保护。

    To receive an academic grade below the acceptable minimum . Your Inbox will be protected on a minimal level .

  25. 中国正尝试直接补贴部分棉花和大豆种植者,而不是提供最低价格,但对其他作物仍维持最低保护价。

    China is now experimenting with direct subsidies rather than floor prices for some cotton and soyabean growers , but has maintained the floor price for other crops .