
zuì jiā zī běn jié ɡòu
  • optimal capital structure
  1. 最佳资本结构与财务危机成本初探

    The Optimal Capital Structure and the Financial Risk Cost

  2. 企业最佳资本结构选择分析

    Analysis of Coporation 's Optimal Capital Structure

  3. 企业最佳资本结构的确定标准及影响因素分析含成品率极大的多目标CMOS倒相链的优化设计方法

    Capital structure optimization and enterprise value maximization MULTIPLE-CRITERION OPTIMIZATION FOR CMOS INVERTER CHAIN WITH YIELD MAXIMIZATION

  4. 笔者针对CSV模型不适用于分析银行资本结构中包含自我资产的这一情况,对不可完全分散的系统风险下大规模银行的最佳资本结构进行了理论研究。

    Due to the situation that CSV model is not suitably used to analyze the assets structure consisted of self-assets , this paper tried to discuss the first-best assets structure of big banks when the macro-risk can 't be dispersed completely .

  5. 谈融资决策中的资金成本及最佳资本结构

    The Best Capital Structure and Capital Cost on Decisions of Financing

  6. 国有企业最佳资本结构评判标准研究

    Study of the judgement criteria forthe optimum capital structure of state-owned enterprises

  7. 市场经济条件下的企业最佳资本结构探析

    Analysic on optimum capital composition in the enterprise in the market economy

  8. 企业筹资决策中最佳资本结构的选择

    Sound Business out Picking Target Capital Structure on Financing Decision

  9. 企业最佳资本结构下资本限量决策研究&构建资本限量投资组合优化模型

    A study on the capital rationing decision-making under the optimum capital structure

  10. 主要讨论了如何确定企业的最佳资本结构。

    This article mainly discussed how to decide the best capital structure of enterprise .

  11. 随后对科技型中小企业最佳资本结构进行了简要的描述,指出融资战略的实质是为了取得最佳资本结构。

    It concludes that the essential of financing strategy is to getting optimum capital structure .

  12. 通常来说,最佳资本结构的判断标准有四个,资本成本最低是其中之一。

    Generally speaking , we have four standards one of which cost of capital is .

  13. 论企业最佳资本结构

    On the Best Capital Structure of Enterprises

  14. 本文将从财务危机成本以及代理成本理论两方面解释公司为何存在最佳资本结构,并指出影响公司最佳资本结构的重要因素。

    Furthermore , it points out some important factors that affect the best capital structure .

  15. 企业筹资过程中最佳资本结构优化中国上市公司股权再融资过程中的寻租行为研究

    Optimal Capital Structure in Procedure of Capital Finance Research on Rent-seeking of Chinese Listed Companies ' SEO

  16. 最佳资本结构是一个动态概念,它不是一个点,而是一个区间;

    The optimal capital structure is a dynamic notion , not a certain dot , but an inter-zone .

  17. 在企业现有最佳资本结构下进行相应筹资规划,合理确定资本限量。

    On the conditions of the optimum capital structure , a series of capital ration is determined rationally .

  18. 本研究结果应可提供一企业的财务决策者决定该企业最佳资本结构之重要参考。

    This research can help the corporate financial management in making the decision for a best capital structure .

  19. 其次对企业筹资最佳资本结构的确定方法进行了比较分析。

    Secondly , it compared and analyzed the different methods of deciding the best capital structure in the period of financing .

  20. 企业各种长期资金的构成及其比例关系,即企业最佳资本结构是当前企业筹资的关键问题。

    At present , the crucial matter is the composition of various long-term funds and its proportional relationship in the enterprises .

  21. 随着资本市场的逐渐完善,企业必须注重如何通过有效的资本运营实现企业的最佳资本结构。

    With the maturity of the capital market , the company must endeavor to achieve optimal capital structure through efficient capital management .

  22. 详细阐述了如何建立资本结构的灰色线性规划模型及如何通过模型确定企业的最佳资本结构,该模型提供了一种新的确定最佳资本结构的方法。

    Then the authors introduce how to establish the models of grey linear programming of capital structure and how to use it .

  23. 但是,如何确定最佳资本结构仍是财务管理中的一大难题。

    This paper interprets the reason of the existence of the best capital structure from theories of financial crisis cost and agency cost .

  24. 企业负债水平与最佳资本结构的确定是市场经济条件下企业生存、发展的基础因素。

    The basic elements for the survival and development of enterprises are the enterprise debt ratios and the ascertainment of optimal capital structure .

  25. 信息技术业和交通运输仓储业上市公司的的资产负债率水平基本处于最佳资本结构水平。

    The debt ratio levels of information technology industry and traffic transport and storage industry listed company stand around the best capital structure level basically ?

  26. 关于最佳资本结构的存在性问题,现已为理论界和企业界所共识。

    Although scholars have made a high degree of consensus on the existence of the best capital structure , it 's still difficult to determine it .

  27. 在此基础上,文章以分析影响企业资本结构的因素为前提,提出了企业最佳资本结构的衡量标准,为企业的最佳资本结构决策提供了一个系统的分析体系。

    Meanwhile , the writer put forward a standard of measurement to optimal capital structure , which offer a systemic analyze frame to this sector decision making .

  28. 只有选择到最佳资本结构才能实现公司价值最大化。

    The company wants to achieve the highest value only when the optimal capital structure , the value of the new company can reach the highest level .

  29. 在不确定条件下,企业股权融资而拥有的融资灵活性价值可以弥补因偏离传统最佳资本结构而增加的资金成本,因此,企业股权融资偏好也是不确定环境下的理性选择。

    In uncertain conditions , the financial flexibility value that obtains from equity financing can compensate for the increased capital cost from deviate the optimal capital structure .

  30. 企业在生产经营中,应该运用适当的方法确定最佳资本结构,使企业的平均资本成本最低,企业价值最大。

    Enterprise should make sure of the best structure of capital through a suitable measurement , thus to minimize the cost of capital and maximize its business value .