
  • 网络Last Drop;Last Blood
  1. 为保卫国土流最后一滴血!

    Defend our homeland to the last drop of our blood !

  2. 他们誓死保卫自己的国家,直到流尽最后一滴血。

    They will defend the country to the last drop of their blood .

  3. 我们愿为保卫祖国流尽最后一滴血。

    We will defend our motherland to the last drop of our blood .

  4. 我会品尝最后一滴血!

    I will have last blood !

  5. 文洛克是英国钢铁2012年伦敦奥林匹克体育场的最后一滴血。

    Wenlock was created from the last drop of British steel used for the London 2012 Olympic Stadium .

  6. 为保卫国土流最后一滴血!他小便后,还会有少量零星地滴下。

    Defend our homeland to the last drop of our blood ! He dribbles a little urine after he has finished urinating .

  7. 就像古老的凯尔特传说中的那只鸟,把荆棘刺入自己的胸膛,吟唱着把最后一滴血流尽。

    Like the old Celtic legend of the bird with the thorn in its breast , singing its heart out and dying .

  8. 卡扎菲还称将与他的人民一起守卫的黎波里,直至流尽最后一滴血。

    Mr Qaddafi 's also says will and his people together guard until the flow in a last-ditch tripoli a drop of blood .

  9. 与此同时,库尔德工人党在一份声明中称,他们的战士为保卫库尔德而不惜“流尽最后一滴血”。

    Meanwhile the PKK , in a statement , said its fighters would defend the Kurds and their interests to " the last drop of blood " .

  10. 然而,根据人力资源机构的观点,一旦老式的、榨干员工最后一滴血的公司转向这种新型的均势工作环境后,这些公司就会很快发现它的优点。

    However , according to human resource authorities , once old-style , work'em-till-they-bleed companies get their heads around the new balanced workplace , they quickly see its merits .

  11. 男女老少日夜守卫阵地,为保卫巴黎公社流尽了最后一滴血。

    Men and women , young and old , guarded the positions night and day and shed their last drop of blood in defence of the Paris Commune .

  12. 我向“民族之矛”的战士们——如所罗门·马赫兰古和艾希莉·柯瑞尔——致敬,他们为了全体南非人的自由而流尽了最后一滴血。

    I salute combatants of Umkhonto we Sizwe , like Solomon Mahlangu and Ashley Kriel , who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of all South Africans .

  13. 第一次做电影游戏时,我们真的有如履薄冰的感觉。但是《教父》对各方来说都很成功,因为它不是那种律师团队想榨干你最后一滴血来签协议的高端游戏。

    But The Godfather was a great deal for everyone because it wasn 't that premium sort of title where the legal team felt like they needed to extract every last pound of flesh to do a deal .

  14. 两粥一饭,十二小时噪音、尘埃和湿气中的工作,直到被榨完残留在皮骨里的最后的一滴血汗为止。

    Two meals of congee and one of rice , twelve hours of work in that din , dust and humidity & so the ceaseless grind goes on till the last drop of sweat and blood has been wrung from her emaciated body .