
  • 网络Incremental Adjustment
  1. 本文第四部分分析了国有企业资本结构调整中应考虑的因素:增量调整和存量调整相结合,资产结构和资本结构相结合以及资本结构的外部影响因素等。

    The fourth chapter analyses the factors that we should consider while adjusting the owned-state enterprises capital structure : integration of incremental adjustments and storage quantity adjustment , integration of the asset structure and the capital structure , and the external factors of the capital structure .

  2. 随着我国加入WTO的临近,我国产业结构的调整要与经济结构的全面调整相结合,使增量调整与存量调整相结合。

    With China 's getting closer to WTO , the adjusting style of industrial structure should be oriented to the sound integration with economic structure and with increment and inventory as well .

  3. 增量调整法在水力计算中的应用

    Application of the adjusted increment method in hydraulic calculation

  4. 增量调整法可将水力计算中的试算变为直接计算。

    The adjusted increment method can change the trial method of hydraulic calculation into direct calculation .

  5. 该文阐述了证券市场在我国产业结构调整中的作用,如有利于国家进行增量调整、实现资源的合理配置及国家对非国有经济实施调控等;同时。

    The paper illustrates the function of the securities market in the adjustment of industrial structure in the country .

  6. 不论是存量调整还是增量调整,都需要投资者向国有企业投资持股。

    No matter we take the way of adjusting the increasing fixed assets or existed assets , it is essential that investors invest in state-owned stocks .

  7. 第七章在以增量调整为主导,注重存量挖掘的思想指导下,提出加强市场准入,加强监管,促进科技转化为生产能力,实现预计目标等一系列对策措施。

    The last chapter provided some advices to realize the developing targets . Such as strengthen market , transfer the technique into capacity and so on .

  8. 在经济环境由长期短缺转向相对过剩的新形势下,我国工业结构的调整的重点应由以增量调整为主转向以存量调整为主,由适应性结构调整转向战略性结构调整。

    In the new situation , the emphasis of our industrial structuring ought to implement surplus adjustment instead of incremental adjustment , strategic adjustment instead of adaptability adjustment .

  9. 中央政府与地方政府在所有制结构调整中的博弈主要体现在两个方面,即所有制结构的增量调整和存量调整。

    The game analysis of the central and local governments in the ownership structural adjustment reflect in two aspects mainly , namely increment adjustment and stock adjustment of the ownership composition .

  10. 为此,必须正确认识比较优势原则、存量调整与增量调整的关系以及地方政府在产业结构调整中的作用等问题。

    For this purpose , we should recognize impartially the principle of comparative advantages , relationship between stock adjustment and increment adjustment , local governmentss role in the restructure and so on .

  11. 而我国在进行产业结构调整的过程中存在很多难点,比如国家进行资产增量调整的能力有限,难以完全达到预期效果;

    Whereas there exist many difficulties when the government adjusts the industry structure , such as the government 's ability of increasing capital is limited so that the adjustment can 't meet the expectation ;

  12. 从中央政府与地方政府所有制结构的增量调整和存量调整的实际来看,不同的博弈策略确实导致了不同的所有制结构调整速度。

    Seen from the reality of the increment and stock adjustment of the ownership structure of the central and local government , different game tactics have really caused different speed of structural adjustment of ownership .

  13. 据于人力资本在可持续发展中的重要地位,接下来本文对人力资本的投资方式从存量调整内部开发和增量调整外部开发两个方面进行了深入而系统的探索。

    Due to the significance of human capital in sustainable development , the writer could persist in the methods of human capital investment by introducing two kinds of investment approaches , say , the inner inspiration and the exterior investment to increase accumulation .

  14. 并根据立方型相位板点扩散函数的特点,设计了一种以灰度梯度向量模方和为判据的等增量旋转调整PSF的维纳滤波方法,恢复模糊中间图像,最后进行系统的标定工作。

    With the characters of point spread function with cubic phase mask , we designed the Wiener filtering basing on rotating the psf with the criterion of the sum of square of gray level gradient vector module , and then restore the blurred images .

  15. 可行的办法是通过渐进的、增量利益调整来平衡城乡利益关系,即在维护城市居民既得利益的前提下,在新增利益分配中,向农村倾斜,以逐步改变城市偏向。

    The most practical way is to balance urban-rural relationship by progressive and incremental interest regulation , i.e. to maintain urban residents ' vested interest while allocate a bigger proportion to the rural areas in the distribution process of newly-increased interest .

  16. 具体而言,增量的调整表现在,一是优化贷款的期限结构,一般而言,贷款期限越长,周转速度则越慢,流动性越差,受宏观经济不确定性冲击的风险就越大。

    To be specific , first , the duration of the loan structure should be optimized . In general , the longer the loan period is , the slower the turnover rate is , and the worse the mobility is , the more risk of uncertainty of the macroeconomic is .

  17. 斜拉桥初应变增量索力调整

    Cable Force Adjustment of Cable-stayed Bridge

  18. 工业结构调整是一个动态的优化过程基目的是竞争能力的提高,增量投入和存量调整必须同时进行。

    The adjustment of industry structure is a dynamic optimum process to improve competitive capacity , increase investment and vitalize current capital stake simultaneously .

  19. 民法、行政法、刑法等传统法律部门对经济生活中增量利益社会关系调整的漠视和乏力。

    Civil law , administrative law , and criminal law have been incapable of and indifferent to the adjustment of social relations formed in incremental benefits of traditional sectors in economic life .