
In the behavior of the human right to act to generate the table sees the proxy , behavior person from relative person to obtain a temporary get my property , it shall timely transfer to me .
From a wholly new angle , the author classifies the civil act in civil law that can be complemented and corrected through recognition and points out that the recognition on non-right agent act is essentially the recognition on his own act ;
If the insurance agent abuses of the power of agency and the non-acknowledged act unauthorized insurance agency is emerged , the result will be that the legal effect of insurance agency is not elicited and the insurance agent must accept the due civil liability .
Non-management , agents , and violations are not entitled to three important areas of private law system , the creation of these systems contain a moral , economic , legal multi-level value of the consideration .
Non-management with the right agent , similar violations , there is no legal obligation to interfere in the affairs of others , the content of its legal system and the system there are inextricably linked .