
shī fàn jiào yù
  • teacher education;normal education
  1. 立足师范教育,实现办学模式的多样化;

    Base upon normal education , realize variation of teaching mode ;

  2. 新疆高等师范教育30年实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration & 30 Years of Xinjiang Higher Normal Education

  3. 欧美等国高等师范教育实习经验借鉴与启发

    Inspirations of the Teaching Practice in European and American Teachers Colleges

  4. 以校园网为依托,建立师范教育的网络教学系统

    A Scheme to Setup Network Teaching-studying System Based on Campus Network

  5. 师范教育文献数据库研究

    A Study on the Database of the Teachers Educational Documents

  6. 面向基础教育加快师范教育的发展

    Cater to the Elementary Education & speed the Development of Normal Education

  7. 教师职业专业化与我国师范教育

    Teachers ' Professionalization and the Reform of Chinese Normal Education

  8. 新时期高职师范教育定位问题探讨

    On Orientation of Post-secondary Vocational Teachers ' Education in the New Era

  9. 云南地区师范教育的特点和问题

    The Characteristics and Problems of Normal Education in Yunnan Area

  10. 教师专业化与师范教育专业性课程设置

    Teaching Professionalization and the Arrangement of Educational Curricula for Teachers ' Education

  11. 关于朝鲜族高等师范教育体制改革的思考

    Reflection of Structural Reform in Korean Nationality Normal College Education

  12. 对高等师范教育中性健康教育课程化的探讨

    Including sex education in the curriculum of higher pedagogical education

  13. 教师教育的发展与师范教育的改革

    The Development of Teachers ' Education and the Reform of Normal Education

  14. 师范教育应该既是职业的,又是信念的;

    Normal education should be professional and faith - related .

  15. 师范教育要适应基础教育课程改革的需要&兼谈基础教育课程改革对师范生的要求

    Normal Education Must Meet the Needs of Curriculum Reform of Basic Education

  16. 重视师范教育,加强师资培训;

    Emphasize teacher-training and strengthen teachers ' qualifications for teaching ;

  17. 中等师范教育资源与现代小学教师教育&连云港地区小学教师教育90年历史回顾

    Resources of Elementary Teacher Education and Modern Education of Primary School Teachers

  18. 论改革师范教育科学课程设置的迫切性

    The Urgency in the Reform of the Courses in Teachers ' Colleges

  19. 初等数学研究课程改革初探&面向21世纪师范教育思考之一

    On the teaching reform of the curriculum elementary mathematics study

  20. 高等师范教育应突出实践取向&顶岗实习置换培训的启示

    Be Practice-oriented in Higher Pedagogical Education A Thought from Internship on-Job Training

  21. 我国传统师范教育体系与社会发展需求存在明显差距。

    Traditional teacher training in China lags obviously behind the contemporary social demand .

  22. 高等师范教育正面临挑战。

    However , the Higher Normal Education is facing up to serious challenge .

  23. 试论合并办学后的师范教育

    On Teacher Training Education after the Merge of Colleges

  24. 谈俄罗斯连续师范教育发展规划

    On the Developing Program for Russian Sustained Normal Education

  25. 中美师范教育硕士研究生培养比较研究

    Comparative Research on Teacher Education in Training Master Student between China and America

  26. 全球化背景下俄罗斯高等师范教育改革

    The Reform of Higher-Level Normal Education in Russia under the Background of Globalization

  27. 试论我国本科高等师范教育课程设置存在的问题及其改革

    The problems and reformation of courses offered in higher normal education in China

  28. 从师范教育的发展论教师职业的专业化

    On Search for Specialization of Teachers Occupation from the Development of Teacher Education

  29. 中国师范教育改革发展的理论问题研究

    Study on the theoretical issues of the teachers ' education reforms in China

  30. 面对实际,构建逐步开放的现代师范教育体系;

    An open and modern higher teacher education system should be gradually developed ;