
  1. 文中,蔡美儿详细描述了自己严厉的教育之道是如何引导孩子走向成功的。

    In the article Chua details how her strict parenting techniques have led to the success of her children .

  2. 真正的教育之道和学说在遥远的未来隐隐浮现,那里也是灾难孳生之地。

    The true art and science of education looms over the horizon , where our disasters are being born .

  3. 坚定的教育之道会让你的儿子或女儿知道,在他们做了错事,做了不适当的举止或不令人满意的行为之后,你会立刻有相应的反应。

    A consistent approach shows your son or daughter there are express effects for misdeeds and improper or unsatisfactory deeds or manners .

  4. 老子提出的“无为而治”是其政治伦理思想的核心,也是教育之道。

    " Actionless Governance ", which was put forward by Laozi , is the core of political and ethical thoughts and also a way of education .

  5. 专业知识教育与为人之道教育结合教学是全面实施素质教育的必然要求。

    Combining teaching on the education for specialized knowledge and behaving as a man is a necessary demand for quality education .

  6. 3接受更多地教育并不是解决之道第二学位意味着更好的工作&或者至少是一个找到工作更好机会,对吗?

    Doing more education isn 't the answer A second degree means a better job – or at least a better chance of getting a job .

  7. 通过从儒家文化在教育目的、教育内容、教育方法及为师之道等方面对中国语文教育产生的积极和消极影响进行辩证客观的评述。

    The thesis attempts to make a dialectical and objective commentary on the respectively three positive and negative aspects of the influences of Confucian culture on Chinese education in China .