
  1. 独立初期,两国都宣布走社会主义道路,实行国有化政策。

    In the early days of their independence , they went the socialist road and converted to national ownership .

  2. 西方国家在历次经济、金融危机的治理中,都不同程度地采取了国有化政策,其成效已经多次为实践所证明。

    In previous economic and financial crisis governance , western countries have taken different levels of nationalization policies whose effectiveness has been repeatedly proven efficient .

  3. 20世纪60年代后期,英国推行高税、福利和国有化政策,使英国经济处于困境。

    In the late60s , 20th century , the United Kingdom to implement a high-tax , welfare and nationalization policies to enable the British economy in a bind .

  4. 他们无权干涉查韦斯的国有化政策虽然这可能错误之极或者是他其他的经济政策:那些都是委内瑞拉的内政。

    They have no right to interfere with his programme of nationalisation , however wrongheaded it may be , or the rest of his economic policy : those things are the sovereign business of venezuela .

  5. 她在位期间,实行了一些使国有工业私有化的政策和减税政策。

    During her term as the Prime Minister , she carried out policies to privatize the nationalized industry and to cut tax rates .