
jiāo zhàn
  • teach martial arts
  1. 很多正在线教程帮您获得教诲教士教位战教位证书。

    Many online programs can get you started towards a bachelor 's degree in education and certification .

  2. 一次,当牛顿正站正在海滩沙卤,一名朋友便果天下着名的牛顿力教定律战别的一些收现创做收现而歌颂他。

    Once when Newton was standing on seashore , one of his friends praised him for his world-renowned laws of mechanics and other inventions .

  3. 别的,当我回家后,我要教绘绘战跳舞。我念继尽进建两种技术手段。

    Beside , when I come back , I am going to learn to paint and dance . I want to continue learning these two skills .

  4. 在宗教改革中,先是为教会所借鉴,形成所谓的教会巫术,然后在教会与新教的辨战中为无所适从的知识分子提供了一个更多的信仰选择。

    During the reformation , it was used as reference by the church and formed what is called ' church witchcraft ' .