
  • 网络Education and Manpower Bureau;EMb
  1. 教育统筹局现正计划就资讯科技界的人力需求及训练需要,进行顾问研究。

    EMB is planning a consultancy study on the manpower and training needs of the it industry .

  2. 香港教育统筹局公布全面支持教师新措施

    EMB Announced Comprehensive Support Measures for Teachers

  3. 国家体育运动管理总局教育统筹局〔政府总部〕

    The State Sports General Administration Education and Manpower Bureau [ EMB ] [ Government Secretariat ]

  4. 医疗辅助队亦参加了由教育统筹局统筹的青年职前综合培训计划(展翅计划)。

    The AMS also participated in the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme co-ordinated by the Education and Manpower Bureau .

  5. 本人同意上述资料,可供教育统筹局作为行政用途。

    I agree that the data provided above can be used by the Education and Manpower Bureau for administrative purposes .

  6. 以梳理部门职责为主要目的的树状图统筹模式在医院管理中的运用教育统筹局〔政府总部〕

    The dendrogram co-ordination mode of clarifying the responsibilities of departments or the individuals in hospital administration Education and Manpower Bureau [ EMB ] [ Government Secretariat ]

  7. 年内,教育统筹局委托顾问对计划进行检讨,以确保基金能应付当前及未来的需求。

    The Education and Manpower Bureau commissioned a consultancy review on the scheme during the year to ensure that its fund could meet current and future demands .

  8. 所有特殊学校及技能训练学校均由教育统筹局根据特殊学校资助则例提供资助。

    All special schools and skills opportunity schools receive subvention from the Education and Manpower Bureau (" EMB " thereafter ) under the Code of Aid for Special Schools .

  9. 由于立法会议员、学者和学生施压,教育统筹局局长被迫撤回备受争议的大学削资草案。

    The education minister has been forced to delay seeking LegCo approval for his hotly contested university funding cuts in the face of pressure from legislators , academics and students .

  10. 教育统筹局局长在立法会会议上就“改革高中及高等教育学制谘询文件”发表声明。

    The Secretary for education and manpower gave a statement on " consultation document on reforming the academic systems for senior secondary and higher education " at the Council meeting .

  11. 浸会大学文学院应教育统筹局的邀请,于暑期为资优中学生开办两项大学学分课程。

    The Faculty of Arts has been commissioned by the Education and Manpower Bureau to offer during the summer two credit-bearing courses in humanities and creative writing for gifted secondary students .

  12. 为改善学校人手编制状况,减轻教师工作负担,让教师安心和专心于教学工作,香港教育统筹局2006年2月27日公布了教师长远支持措施。

    The Education and Manpower Bureau ( EMB ) of Hong Kong , China , announced a series of long-term support measures for teachers on February 27,2006 in order to improve the teaching establishment , reduce teacher 's workload and allow them to concentrate on teaching .

  13. 优质教育基金秘书处〔教育统筹局〕

    Quality Education Fund Secretariat [ Education and Manpower Bureau ]

  14. 教育统筹委员会组〔教育统筹局〕急症科专家统筹委员会

    Education Commission Division [ Education and Manpower Bureau ] Accident and Emergency Expert Specialty Coordinating Committee