
  • 网络Teaching style
  1. 我的教学风格和多数教师相似。

    My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers .

  2. 她反对政府顾问设计的考试,因为这些考试限制了她的教学风格。

    She objects to the tests the Government 's advisers have devised because they constrict her teaching style

  3. 首先介绍了一个能够充分体现教师教学风格的基于XML的个性化Web课件制作工具模型。

    This paper firstly introduces a XML-based Web courseware tool model , which can fully embody the teacher 's own teaching style .

  4. VSO教师的教学风格虽然各不相同,但他们的教学特点基本相同。

    VSO teachers have different teaching styles , whereas they have similar teaching characteristics .

  5. 本文首先简要介绍了当前课件制作工具现状,详细介绍了IMS教育规范,特别是IMS内容包装规范,然后在此基础建立了一个能够充分体现教师教学风格的个性化Web课件制作模型。

    This paper firstly introduces current situation about courseware tool in brief and IMS specification in detail , especially IMS content packaging specification . Then we present a new web courseware tool model , which can fully embody the teacher 's own teaching style .

  6. CHEMBA非常好,背景过硬,得到权威机构承认。我喜欢这里中西结合的教学风格。

    CHEMBA is a very good program with a very strong background and impressive accreditation . I like the Sino-west teaching style .

  7. 高校两课教师教学风格如何,直接影响两课教学效果。

    Teaching styles directly influence the results of the Two Courses .

  8. 他的教学风格是要使学生感到震惊。

    His style of teaching was designed to shock his students .

  9. 教师形成教学风格过程中的指导研究

    On the Directional Role of the Formational Course of Teaching Style

  10. 谈高校教师的教学风格

    Discussion on Teaching Style in the University Teachers Based on Students-Oriented

  11. 体育教师教学风格对教学效果的影响等。

    And the effects of different physical educational teaching styles .

  12. 以及体育教师教学风格形成的几种方法。

    On the Art of Teaching teachers ' teaching style .

  13. 高校体育教师教学风格特征及影响因素

    Characteristics and Influencing Factors of PE Teachers ' Teaching Style

  14. 不同的学生通过不同教学风格和方法可以学得更好。

    Different students learn better through different styles and methods of teaching .

  15. 体育教师教学风格研究的综述

    A Comprehensive Review of Studies on Physical Educational Teaching Styles

  16. 学习风格与教学风格的冲突与整合

    The Conflict and Integration of Learning Style and Teaching Style

  17. 浙江越剧教学风格及发展思辨

    Thoughts about the Teaching Style and Development of Shaoxing opera in Zhejiang

  18. 希尔伯特教学风格与数学素质教育

    On the teaching style of Hilbert and mathematics diathesis education

  19. 变换多种教学风格,扩大学生的视野。

    Switching different learning style , shifting student perspectives ;

  20. 认知方式不同的学生所认可的体育教师的教学风格不同;

    The cognition way of different student approves different teacher 's teaching style ;

  21. 两课教师教学风格及其培养

    The Teaching Styles for Two Courses and Their Development

  22. 体育教师教学风格的形成与发展

    Formation and Development of P.E. Teachers ' Teaching Style

  23. 体育教师教学风格构成因素的研究

    Research on Factors in Teaching Styles of PE Teachers

  24. 有利于体育教师形成自己的教学风格;影响体育教师的教态;

    Help to from teaching style and influence teachers ' manners in class .

  25. 试论外语教学风格中的性别差异

    On the Gender Differences in Foreign Languages Teaching Styles

  26. 文章探讨了教学风格的特征、形成途径及其价值。

    This article approaches the characteristics , formation and value of teaching style .

  27. 体育教师的人格特征与其教学风格的关系;

    The relations between the personality of physical education teachers and their teaching styles ;

  28. 试论高校教师教学风格的形成

    The Forming of College Lectures ' Teaching Style

  29. 教师教学风格的调查研究

    An Investigation on the Teachers ' Teaching Styles

  30. 体育教学风格的研究

    Study On The Teaching Style Of Physical Education