
  • 网络politics and economics
  1. 这一框架具有较大包容性还在于:它不仅可以置换D·Easton的价值的权威分配与D·North的暴力潜能的分配,而且可以紧扣政治与经济原本存在的关系。

    It can not only replace D. Easton 's " Authoritative Distribution of Value ", and D. North 's " Distribution of Violence Potential ", but also keep in contact with the existing relationship between politics and economics .

  2. 我的专业是国际政治与经济的结合。

    My major was a combination of International Politics and Economics .

  3. 不能把政治与经济割裂开来。

    One can 't separate politics from economics .

  4. 这样,西方大国应该加强对卡扎非施加政治与经济压力。

    Thus the Western powers should intensify the political and economic pressure on the regime .

  5. 作为APEC一支重要的政治与经济力量,中国可以利用这次中期审评与制定釜山路线图的机会把握和影响APEC的未来趋势。

    As a significant political and economic force in APEC , China may seize the opportunity of the mid-term stocktaking and Busan Roadmap to exert impacts on the future vision of APEC .

  6. 《英国的现代性:1957-62》(ModernityBritain:1957-62),大卫·基纳斯顿(DavidKynaston)著(Bloomsbury出版社,55美元)。基纳斯顿精彩的多卷本战后史继续揭示社会、政治与经济变革的全景。

    MODERNITY BRITAIN : 1957-62 . By David Kynaston . ( Bloomsbury , $ 55 . ) Kynaston 's brilliant multivolume postwar history continues in this tapestry of social , political and economic change .

  7. 东盟成立于1967年,旨在促进政治与经济合作。

    ASEAN was formed in1967 to promote political and economic cooperation .

  8. 政治与经济改革规律的探求

    A Probe into the Rules of Political and Economic Reforms

  9. 地缘政治与经济格局的轮廓已被重绘。

    The contours of the geopolitical and economic landscapes have been redrawn .

  10. 科学发展观视野下我国政治与经济改革规律

    Laws of Economic and Political Reform under the Scientific Concept of Development

  11. 世界政治与经济问题专题

    Special Subject on Politics & Economy of the World

  12. 全球就业的政治与经济问题会议

    Conference on the Politics and Economics of Global Employment

  13. 美国在中亚拥有巨大的地缘政治与经济利益。

    There are large geopolitical and economic interests in the Central Asia for USA.

  14. 体育的政治与经济价值

    The Political and Economic Value of Physical Education

  15. 政治与经济关系的历史演进

    Relationship Between Politics and Economy : Historical Evolution

  16. 保持政治与经济的协调发展;

    Fifthly , it is important to maintain the harmonious development of politics and economy ;

  17. 政治与经济的有机互动:经济全球化背景下的理论探索

    On Organic Interaction between Politics and Economy

  18. 在政治与经济领域,中国都已成为冉冉上升的明星。

    Meanwhile , China has emerged as the rising star in both political and economical terms .

  19. 政治与经济的繁荣,让我们的文学已经进入到一个新的格局当中。

    Political and economic prosperity , let our literature has come to a new pattern of .

  20. 企业风险管理必须注意地缘政治与经济风险之间的强相关性。

    Corporate risk management must be mindful of the close correlation between geopolitical and economic risks .

  21. 财政是政治与经济的枢纽,通过政治过程解决经济问题。

    Public finance is the combination of politics and economy , solving economic problems through political process .

  22. 这样的方案对于需要政治与经济现代化的希腊是有好处的。

    Such a programme would be of benefit to Greece , which needs political and economic modernisation .

  23. 实行政治与经济分离,政府与企业各司其职;

    The fundamental way to solve the problem is : separating politics from economy , government from firms ;

  24. 随着我国政治与经济的不断发展,政府职能也在发生相应的变化。

    With the development of politics and economy in china , great changes have taken place in governmental competency .

  25. 第三个因素是市场实现政治与经济实力扩散的能力。

    The third element is the capacity of the market to bring about diffusion of political and economic power .

  26. 指出这种差异的产生与社会性质、政治与经济生活、以及伦理观念有着密切的关系。

    The differences are believed to be closely related to the social qualities , political and economic lives and moralities .

  27. 全球化政治与经济合作战略、区域安全合作机制随之成为印度外交的主旋律。

    Global political and economic cooperation strategy , regional security cooperation regimes will become a main theme of India diplomacy .

  28. 同样,中国在中亚也有着自己独特的地缘政治与经济利益。

    At the same time , there are also especially geopolitical and economic interests in the Central Asia for China .

  29. 之后,奥巴马和纳吉布宣称,他们将把两国的政治与经济纽带提升为全面合作伙伴关系。

    Afterward , he and Mr. Najib said they would elevate relations to a comprehensive partnership of political and economic ties .

  30. 艺术品在法律上的界定,更多地出自政治与经济上而非仅仅从美学上的考虑。

    Legal definition of arts more relates to the political and economic consideration instead of the esthetics in the domestic laws .