
  • 网络governance;good governance;government governance;governance by government;government
  1. 欠发达地区基层政府治理创新与发展&基于西部少数民族地区的实证分析

    Local Governance Innovation and Economy Development in Less Developed District

  2. 上海大都市的信息化发展提出了电子政务建设和政府治理信息化的需要。

    The informatization of Shanghai metropolis has put forward the need of e-government construction and the informatization of governance .

  3. 加强社区治理体系建设,推动社会治理重心向基层下移,发挥社会组织作用,实现政府治理和社会调节、居民自治良性互动。

    We will strengthen the system for community governance , shift the focus of social governance to the community level , leverage the role of social organizations , and see that government 's governance efforts on the one hand and society 's self-regulation and residents ' self-governance on the other reinforce each other .

  4. 最后,采用调查问卷形式对大连市政府治理绩效进行实证研究,识别了基于CRM的政府治理绩效的影响因素,同时对论文提出的治理模式理论框架进行了实证。

    Last , the determinants of governance performance are presented through investigation in Dalian government .

  5. 因此,PPP模式是政府治理模式从权威治理到合同制治理的转变。

    Therefore , the PPP mode means the government governance mode changes from the authoritative governance to contract governance .

  6. 当代政府治理:模式与过程

    The Models of Governance of Government : Philosophy Process and Consequences

  7. 生态工业园工业共生网络稳定性与政府治理机制

    Biological industry park industry secrete network 's stability and government governance mechanism

  8. 构建和谐社会与地方政府治理模式创新

    Constructing harmonious society and innovation of local government governance mode

  9. 政府治理理论在西方的兴起有其必然性。

    The governance theory is very popular in west countries .

  10. 政府治理私营煤矿外部性问题研究

    Governmental role in solving private coal mine 's external effect

  11. 地方政府治理下的产业集群发展研究

    The Research of Governance under the Local Government Development of Industrial Clusters

  12. 浅议政府治理女大学生就业问题的对策

    The Measures of Government Unemployment Governance to Female Graduates

  13. 论和谐治理与合作型政府治理模式构建

    On Harmonious Governance and Shaping Cooperation-oriented State Governance Mode

  14. 市场监管是当代政府治理的重要课题。

    Market supervision is one of the important themes for the contemporary government .

  15. 主要的症结在于政府治理不力、宏观经济形势不稳定以及基础设施日渐老化。

    The chief culprits are bad governance , macroeconomic instability and declining infrastructure .

  16. 社会保障与社会公平:地方政府治理的视角

    Social Security System and Social Equity in China : A Local Governance Perspective

  17. 统筹治理:国家战略和政府治理形态的契合

    Governance as a Whole Plan : Governing Type Fitting in with State Strategy

  18. 城市信息化与政府治理模式的创新

    Urban Informationalization and Innovation of Governmental Administrative Paradigm

  19. 提出了对安置型社区的政府治理模式合理性的建议。

    The recommendations of the reasonableness of the proposed governance model of place-based society .

  20. 城市公共危机呈现出新的特点,给政府治理带来了前所未有的挑战。

    The new features of the urban public crisis bring unprecedented challenges to government .

  21. 尽管政府治理糟糕,但这个世界上人口最多的民主国家仍在不断走向繁荣。

    Prosperity is spreading , despite appalling governance in the world 's biggest democracy .

  22. 每个时代都有专属于这个时代的政府治理模式。

    Every era has its own governance mode .

  23. 论地方市场封锁与政府治理创新

    On Local Market Blockage and Innovation of Government

  24. 现代化进程中的政府治理模式

    Model of State Governance in Modernization Process

  25. 民间宗教的乡村化生存、流变与政府治理&以宋明清时期的考察为背景

    The Existence and Development of Folk Religions and Their Governmental Management in Chinese Rural Areas

  26. 彰显契约精神提升政府治理能力

    Disseminating Contract Spirit to Improve Government Administration

  27. 她说,加纳希望奥巴马总统的访问将帮助加强加纳的司法和良好的政府治理。

    She says Ghana hopes President Obama 's visit will help strengthen justice and good governance .

  28. 但在国内很少有学者从这个理论出发对我国县级政府治理进行研究。

    But , in domestic few scholars from the theory of our county government management research .

  29. 政府治理的迅速反应模式研究

    Research on quick response governing model

  30. 社会管理是我国政府治理的重要内容之一。

    Social management is one of the important contents of the government management in our country .