
  • 网络political groups;political association;the body politic
  1. 第二章,政治团体与政治制度文明。

    The second chapter is about political groups and political administration civilization .

  2. 关于政治团体排名方面,评分都是下跌居多。

    As for the ranking of political groups , most of their ratings have dropped .

  3. 她被怀疑与一个持不同政见的政治团体有关联。

    She was suspected of having links with a dissident group .

  4. 有两大政治团体力主独立。

    There were two main political groupings pressing for independence .

  5. 取缔私人报社,禁止政治团体。

    A private press was forbidden , and political parties banned .

  6. 你们这些人是不是个有组织的政治团体或是别的什么?

    Are you guys like an organised political movement or something ?

  7. 也有犯罪团体,还有那些声称是非暴力的政治团体

    to organized crime to political organizations that claim to be nonviolent .

  8. 她是一个右翼政治团体的成员。

    She was a member of a right-wing political group .

  9. 南加州社会主义同盟。政治团体

    The Southern California Confederated Socialists . A political organization .

  10. 他详细了解了各大学、基金会,报界和政治团体。

    He canvassed the universities , the foundations , the press and politics .

  11. 她根本没有去过南韩甚至也没有参加过那样的政治团体。

    She didn 't go to Korea or even participate in anything political .

  12. 对政治团体、工会及民间组织提出财务监管;

    Initiate financial control of political parties , trade unions and citizens associations ;

  13. 然后有一天,她的一个朋友,那个政治团体中的一员消失了。

    Then one day , one of her friends involved in the group disappeared .

  14. 那个非法的政治团体转入了地下活动。

    The outlawed political group went underground .

  15. 有组织的、常有过激活动的政治团体

    Organized and often aggressively active political group

  16. 他是倡导社会主义的政党或政治团体的成员。

    He is a member of a socialist party or political group that advocates socialism .

  17. 成为学生政治团体的领袖需要的是辩论能力和个人魅力,而政治党派就需要有钱了。

    Student politics was all about debating and charisma , but party politics required money .

  18. 以前我在各种场合都能交到朋友:打篮网球,参加政治团体活动,去夜店,都会认识新朋友。

    I used to make friends playing netball , getting involved with political groups and going to nightclubs .

  19. 在内部纷争和外力作用下,这些政治团体的活动大多归于失败。

    Under the internal strife and external force , most of the activities of these political groups failed .

  20. 反对党威胁说将要截流在国会中预算,一些民间的政治团体开始诉诸法律。

    Opposition leaders are threatening to block budget votes in Parliament and civic groups have launched a legal challenge .

  21. 我们今晚确认国税局牵涉的丑闻将远远超过针对保守派政治团体作为目标。

    We have a confirmation tonight the scandal involving IRS could be widely beyond the targeting of conservative political groups .

  22. 每个民族保留了其独特的文化和众多制度,包括政治团体,倾向于民族的原则。

    Each ethnic group preserves its own culture and many institutions , including political parties , tend to follow ethnic lines .

  23. 此外,一些政治团体也在着手采取类似的措施,他们会在选举前发放漫画小册子和海报。

    Political parties are getting in on the act too , issuing manga pamphlets and posters in advance of the election .

  24. 包括三章:第一章,政治团体与政治意识文明。

    It consists of three chapters . The first is about the political group and political group and political ideological civilization .

  25. 1917年在俄国二月革命形成的两个政权并存局面的影响下,在俄国远东地区的朝鲜族元户人和余户人分化成两个对立的阶级,各自建立政治团体。

    Influenced by February Revolution in 1917 , Koreans in Russia 's Far Eastern regions were divided into two opposite schools .

  26. 俄国民粹派是近代俄国史上一个代表农民小生产者利益的政治团体。

    Russian populists are a political group which representative on the interests of the small producer and farmers in the modem history of Russian .

  27. 新生政治团体美国人的选择已经悄然开始行动,为2012年美国大选的全国投票征集选民签名。

    The new political group Americans Elect has quietly been collecting signatures needed for to get on statewide ballots in the 2012 general elections .

  28. 在强调自己与一般政治团体的差异中,基督教团体更是一个和平的团体,和平是基督教信仰非常核心的组成部分。

    Contrast to the common political community , Christian community is a peaceful one , for peace is the core of the Christian faith .

  29. 音乐剧中几乎每一首歌都是阿里演唱的,阿里在剧中扮演一名激进的黑人演说者,剧中这位演说者正在一个由黑人政治团体组织的会议上发言。

    Ali sang nearly every song in the musical , playing a militant black lecturer addressing a meeting organized by a black political group .

  30. 一些政治团体企图号召对以色列海军关闭苏伊士运河的水道,并停止向以色列的石油供应。

    Some political parties want to close the Suez Canal to the Israeli navy and to block the sale of natural gas to Israel .