
  • 网络counteraction;natural hedge
  1. 通过磁通在磁芯中柱的相互抵消作用,降低磁芯的磁通密度。

    In center column of core , magnetic flux density is reduced by counteraction .

  2. 此外,以投资为目的的外汇流出,也对贸易所产生的流入起到了抵消作用。

    In addition investment-linked forex outflows are offsetting the impact of inflows from trade .

  3. 其主要原因是道化学公司的火灾爆炸指数法考虑了安全措施对事故后果的抵消作用。事故影响范围应以事故后果分析法为计算依据。

    The compute of the accident influence area should be based on consequence analysis .

  4. 即便如此,财政赤字的抵消作用还是未能防止一场深度衰退。

    Even as it is , this fiscal offset has not prevented a deep recession .

  5. 起抵消作用的意见是,行政机构和总统都必须执行国会制定的法律。

    The countervailing consideration is that both agencies and the President must execute the laws enacted by Congress .

  6. 该指标对系统脆弱程度的抵消作用将更好的引导安全管理工作向深入发展。

    Thorough the development , the target system frail degree will give better guidance to the safety management .

  7. 然而,与今年政治周期相悖的,是一些具有抵消作用的强大力量。

    Running against the political cycle this year , however , are a number of powerful countervailing forces .

  8. 对于能够利用企业债券市场的大公司而言,借款便宜可能起到一定抵消作用。

    For big companies with access to the corporate bond market there can be an offset while borrowing is cheap .

  9. 不过,金融市场危机幸存者间利差的增加将起到部分抵消作用。

    This will be offset in part by an increase of spreads among the survivors of the financial market crisis .

  10. 对既有的环境道德产生抵消作用,进而推动人类发展行为模式的根本改变,实现人类社会的全面进步。

    It has the counter-balance function to already some environment morals , further promote radical change of human development behavior pattern .

  11. 寡头垄断市场具有双重市场效果,同时寡头垄断保险市场的资源配置正效率会对市场垄断造成的福利损失产生一定的抵消作用。

    Oligopoly market has dual market effect , but its positive efficiency of resource allocation will counteract the welfare loss derived from monopoly .

  12. 核苷转运抑制剂潘生丁则能阻断核苷的这种抵消作用,从而增强抗代谢药的细胞毒性。

    Dipyridamole ( DP ), a nucleoside transport inhibitor , can block the reversal effect , thus potentiating the cytotoxicity of antimetabolites to tumor cells .

  13. 这十年来,全球宏观经济大环境是这样的:美国和其它一些高收入国家作为支出者和最终借款人的抵消作用出现。

    The big global macroeconomic story of this decade was , then , the offsetting emergence of the US and a number of other high-income countries as spenders and borrowers of last resort .

  14. 失重法的应用,对于动态定量称量过程带来的冲击力等因素引起的误差具有抵消作用,测量具有更高的精度,因而是一种更好的动态称量解决方案。

    The application of weight-loss theory can counteract the errors such as that caused by impact force in the dynamic quota weighing process . Therefore , it is a better dynamic weighing solution with higher measurement precision .

  15. 因为当汇率和价格可以灵活变动,从来源地转为目的地原则时,汇率和价格的自我调整会带来抵消作用,使得贸易流仍保持不变。

    Because under the premise of flexibility of the exchange rate and price , when the change from the Origin to the Destination principle happens , the exchange rate and price will be self-adjusting then leaving trade flows unchanged .

  16. 在髋和踝关节的控制策略下,控制器产生的力矩使虚拟人身体质心位于支撑区域。通过身体摆动,虚拟人可以抵消作用在其身上的外力,最后恢复到平衡状态。

    Under the hip and ankle control strategies , the center of mass of a virtual human is kept in the support area , so that the virtual human can counteract external force by swinging body , and then recover balance .

  17. 欧洲的国际关系学者开始探索非西方世界尤其是中国、日本和阿拉伯国家的国际关系著述,这种新的研究潮流对单纯使用英语造成的思想偏狭能够起到有益的抵消作用。

    European scholars in IR have begun to explore the IR literature in non-western cultures and in particular in China , Japan and the Arab , and this new trend is helpful to countervail the paradox of the overwhelming predominance of the English language .

  18. 此外,还发现,暖事件时定常涡动的经向热通量的变化是北半球对流层热带外地区温度异常的主要原因,而瞬变波的影响则起抵消作用。

    According to our investigation , during warm episode the change in meridional heat fluxes by the stationary eddies is identified to be the cause for the temperature anomalies in the extratropical Northern Hemisphere troposphere , while the transient eddies give an opposing contribution .

  19. 因为公司治理的多利益主体性,公司治理各分量指标之间存在一定的相互影响,甚至是抵消作用,所以笔者从股东的视角研究公司治理给资本市场带来的流动性效应。

    Because the company has multiple stakeholders , there is a certain interaction between two components of corporate governance indexes , Or even offsets by the other . So , I studied how corporate governance impact on capital market liquidity from the perspective of shareholder .

  20. 这两件事是如此截然相反以致起了相互抵消的作用。

    The two things are so opposed that they just cancel each other out .

  21. 有许多抵消的作用。

    There are many countervailing influences .

  22. 住房抵押贷款对启动住房消费的作用有时候,这些政策又会起互相抵消的作用。

    Mortgage Loan and the Stimulation of Consumption on Housing ; Sometimes the policies work against each other .

  23. 有时候,这些政策又会起互相抵消的作用。

    Sometimes the policies work against each other . Specifically , they recombine destructively-that is , the waves cancel each other out .

  24. 设计和研制了一种新颖的、具有双变压器结构的工频隔离电源,通过互补抵消的作用,巧妙地实现了使输入、输出达到低噪声、低共模干扰的目标。

    A novel isolated power supply with the structure of double transformers was developed for lower input / output noises and lower common mode interferences , capitalizing on the effects of complemental counteraction .

  25. 长期以来,在评价对外贸易对经济增长的贡献时,人们几乎都把关注的焦点放在出口上,认为只有出口、贸易顺差对经济增长才有积极作用,而进口会抵消这种作用。

    For a long time , people always focus their attention on export when evaluating foreign trade boost economy . They believe only export or trade surplus play an active role in economy growth and import will offset the effect .

  26. 这种药可抵消毒物的作用。

    The drug counteracts the effects of the poison .

  27. 此外,下丘脑显性负相Kir2的表达或使用KATP通道阻滞剂格列本脲能抵消OAG的作用减少葡萄糖生成的作用。

    Furthermore , hypothalamic dominant-negative Kir6.2 expression or the delivery of the KATP channel blocker glibenclamide abolished the glucose production-lowering effects of OAG .

  28. 撤消目前的特别流动性和存款担保,会促进还是抵消货币紧缩作用?

    Would withdrawal of current extraordinary liquidity and deposit guarantees accelerate or offset monetary tightening ?

  29. 结果表明,介质中镉抑制了细胞的生长,而增加磷能部分地抵消其抑制作用。

    However , increasing phosphorus level in the medium counteracted in part the growth inhibition by cadmium .

  30. 铁对铝硅合金性能的影响及抵消其有害作用的措施

    Influence of Fe on the Properties of Al Si Alloy and Methods of Neutralizing the Effect of Fe