
  • 网络my feel;my feeling;How I feel;The way I feel
  1. 我独自一人过着悲伤的生活,我的感觉,难以言喻。

    I live a sad life along , my feel , no way to say .

  2. 我的感觉就是我姐姐还活着。

    My feeling is that my sister is still alive .

  3. 我的感觉是它们完全失去了控制。

    My impression is that they are totally out of control

  4. 我的感觉是,在华盛顿出版这样一份理性的报纸不是太靠谱。

    Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper .

  5. 我的感觉是,未来日本将成为一个要求更高的盟友,美国前总统乔治W布什(GeorgeW.Bush)的亚洲事务最高顾问韦德宁(DennisWilder)表示。

    My sense is that Japan will be more of a demanding ally in the future , said Dennis Wilder , former President George W. Bush 's top Asia adviser .

  6. “我的感觉是,今年的气氛略为严肃,”安德鲁帕特里克(andrewkilpatrick)表示。

    " I got the sense that it was a little more serious this year , " said Andrew Kilpatrick , author of the bookof permanent value : the story of Warren Buffett .

  7. 我的感觉不是跟从前一样了。

    I don 't feel the way I 've ever felt .

  8. 做坏事给我的感觉就像是在冒险,我从未被抓到过。

    My wrongdoings felt like adventures and I never got caught .

  9. 你说得对。这正是我的感觉。

    You are right . that 's exactly how I feel .

  10. 你瑞克叔叔讲得很清楚你对我的感觉。

    Your uncle Rico made itvery clear howyou feel about me .

  11. 我的感觉是我一点都不受欢迎。

    I got the feeling that I was definitely not welcome .

  12. 你知道我的感觉吗,安琪拉?

    Do you know what I 'm feeling , angela ?

  13. 怎么会有象你一样,理解我的感觉的失败者?

    How would a loser like you understand what I feel like ?

  14. 我的感觉是他并不很喜欢我。

    I got the feeling that he didn 't like me much .

  15. 也许因为你忽略我的感觉太久了。

    B : Maybe because you 've been ignoring my feelings too long .

  16. 我的感觉是,他们希望参与公司管理,能提供很多价值。

    My sense is that they want to be involved and are value-add .

  17. 当你批评他时,你有没有把我的感觉考虑在内?

    Did you take my feelings into consideration when you criticized my boyfriend ?

  18. 这次我的感觉告诉我一定会开的。

    My intuition tells me that we are going to win this time .

  19. 而我的感觉是这将会变得毫无意义。

    However , my feeling is that is going to be quite futile .

  20. 我的感觉是,大牌商学院的高墙也在出现裂缝。

    My sense is that the wall is cracking in the big schools too .

  21. 吉姆:知道你刚到,我的感觉稍好点。

    Jim : oh , I feel better know you weren 't waiting long .

  22. 看到你,我的感觉真好。

    It does me good to see you .

  23. 那次经历给我的感觉很不好,我再也不会住那家旅馆了。

    The experience was so negative that I would never stay at that hotel again .

  24. 和我的感觉,我想卷毛像孩子一样了。

    Your laundry smelled so good that I thought I 'd curl up in it .

  25. 我的感觉是,他的书法中,有内容,也有无限的可能。

    In my view , his calligraphy has superb content and unlimited potential as well .

  26. Paul:我的感觉是…你对男孩不感兴趣。

    Paul : I get this feeling like ... you 're not interested in guys .

  27. 是字本身带给我的感觉,而不是某人一味的吹嘘。

    Is the word itself gives me the feeling , rather than someone just puff .

  28. 这儿轻柔、洁净的空气令我的感觉好了许多,走出了这几个星期以来的阴影。

    The soft , clean air made me feel better than I had done for weeks .

  29. 有时候,你给我的感觉是很高傲,甚至是看不起我们。

    Sometimes , you appears to be of superiority to us and even look down upon us .

  30. 我的感觉是偏低。

    I was feeling low .