
  • 网络My queen
  1. 你永远是我的皇后微笑,不皱眉。

    You are my queen forever smile , do not frown .

  2. 我的皇后做它喜欢马戏团马。

    My Queen did it like the circus horses .

  3. 我的皇后,庭院可不适合一个结了婚的女人。

    My queen , the courtyard is no fitting place for a married woman .

  4. 不管怎么说,你是我的皇后,我选择你。

    For what it 's worth , you 're my queen . I choose you .

  5. “我是心的皇后!从不知什么是悲伤”

    " I 'm the queen of hearts ! What sadness is , I know not "

  6. “这鸟儿真使我记起死去的皇后的那个八音盒,”一位老侍臣说。

    " How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress ," said an old knight .

  7. 我是操场上的皇后。

    I was the queen of the playground .

  8. 好的,我想当你的皇后。

    Okay , but I want to be your queen .

  9. 我是未来的英国皇后凯特王妃的九代表亲

    I 'm ninth cousins with Kate Middleton the future queen of England

  10. 我用我的心跟皇后换白雪一条命

    I gave up my heart so that the queen would spare Snow 's.

  11. 我表示了我的我可以真的控制皇后的父亲。

    I showed my father that I could really control Queen .

  12. 当打到第三轮红桃牌时,我完全预料到有人会击败我的皇后。

    In the third round of hearts I fully expected to see some body go trumps on my Queen .

  13. 我有一个壶嘴;这使我成为茶桌上的皇后。

    I have a spout , and that makes me the queen of the tea table .

  14. 虽然在座的很多人都知道我确实说一口纯正的“英国女王式”英语,因为我来自纽约的皇后区

    Although many of you already know that I do speak the Queen 's English because I am from Queens , New York .