
  • I thought;methinks
  1. 我以为他是她丈夫——我一定是误会了。

    I thought he was her husband ─ I must have misunderstood .

  2. 我以为与她一起讨论音乐是稳妥的。

    I thought I was on safe ground discussing music with her .

  3. 我以为那是一篇很低劣的文章。

    I thought it was a very bad article .

  4. 一定是搞错了——我以为我订的是更小型号的。

    There must be some misunderstanding ─ I thought I ordered the smaller model .

  5. 呵,天哪!我以为再也见不到你了。

    Well , blow me down ! I never thought I 'd see you again .

  6. 我以为我得道歉。

    I felt I had to apologize .

  7. 我以为我是看到重影了。

    I thought I was seeing double .

  8. 我以为他说他今天来,不过我一定是听错了。

    I thought he said he was coming today , but I must have misheard .

  9. 我以为他们永远也不会走的——有些人就是不会看眼色。

    I thought they 'd never go ─ some people just can 't take a hint .

  10. 说实话我以为他考试及不了格,但是那天他发挥出色,考得不错。

    I didn 't honestly think he 'd pass the exam but he came up trumps on the day .

  11. 他承认道:“我以为自己已经完了。”

    He confessed : ' I thought I was finished . '

  12. 老实说我以为再也不用见到你了。

    I honestly thought I 'd seen the last of you .

  13. 我以为他要为了另一个女孩而和我分手。

    I thought he was going to dump me for another girl

  14. 那一刻,我以为她要提出异议。

    For a moment I thought she was going to expostulate

  15. 我以为吻他的时候他会晕倒呢。

    I thought he 'd faint when I kissed him .

  16. 嗯,很抱歉,我以为你是法国人。

    Hum , I am sorry but I thought you were French .

  17. 我以为你可能已经邀请她过来了。

    I thought you might have invited her over .

  18. 我以为这整件事已经完全了结了。

    I thought the whole business was dead and buried

  19. “我以为你会带来的。”——“天哪,不会吧。”

    ' I thought you were bringing it . ' — ' Heavens , no. '

  20. 我以为那会是个美差,结果我成了一个打杂的。

    I thought it would be glamorous but I just turned out to be a general dogsbody .

  21. 我以为你可能认识某个重要人物。毕竟你交游甚广。

    I thought you might know somebody . After all , you 're the man with connections .

  22. “我以为我和你要一起过夜呢。”他小声说。“你想错了。”南茜小声回应道。

    ' I thought you and I were going to spend the night together , ' he whispered . ' You thought wrong , ' Nancy whispered back .

  23. 我以为这不可能。

    I don 't think it possible .

  24. 我以为她还在大连,殊不知她已经走了。

    I thought she was still in Dalian ; I never dreamt that she had already left .

  25. 虽然他想大出风头,不过我以为他没有什么可炫耀的。

    Although he wants to make a hit , I think he hasn 't got much to show off .

  26. 他看上去如此害怕,我以为他看见鬼了。

    He looked so terrified I thought he 'd seen a ghost .

  27. 我以为约翰不会来了,他却突然走了进来。

    I had already given John up , when suddenly he walked in .

  28. 我以为她告诉你了。

    I thought she told you .

  29. 正当我以为那封信已永远丢失的时候,它好像又被风吹回来了。

    Just when I thought I had lost the letter forever , it blew right back into my hand !

  30. 我以为她会伤心。

    I thought she was going to be sad .