
  • 网络We're at;CGSE
  1. 我们在学生经常去的一家酒吧里相遇。

    We met in a local bar much frequented by students .

  2. 我们在纽约的代理商经办在整个美国的销售。

    Our agent in New York deals with all US sales .

  3. 我们在下半场把对方球队打得落花流水。

    We tore the other team apart in the second half .

  4. 我们在举行婚礼的那天上午得到这个消息。

    We got the news on the morning of the wedding .

  5. 我们在他们的教育上可花了不少钱。

    We 've forked out a small fortune on their education .

  6. 我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。

    We 've found a great new restaurant near the office .

  7. 我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。

    We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery .

  8. 我们在物色可靠而又勤奋的人。

    We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working .

  9. 我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心。

    We had a lot of fun at Sarah 's party .

  10. 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。

    I think we could all use a drink after that !

  11. 看见我们在一起,他们表现出掩饰不住的诧异。

    They couldn 't conceal their surprise at seeing us together .

  12. 我们在同一座房子里住了二十年了。

    We have lived in the same house for twenty years .

  13. 我们在旅馆开了个房间,住了两夜。

    We took a room at the hotel for two nights .

  14. 我们在全世界的总销售量估计在5000万左右。

    Estimations of our total world sales are around 50 million .

  15. 我们在城里到处游逛了一个小时左右。

    We wandered about the town for an hour or so .

  16. 我们在旅馆前照了相。

    We had our picture taken in front of the hotel .

  17. 我们在星期六的比赛中轻而易举地打败了他们。

    We gave them a drubbing in the match on Saturday .

  18. 我们在迈阿密一套糟糕透顶的公寓里住了一星期。

    We spent a week in a gruesome apartment in Miami .

  19. 我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。

    We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market .

  20. 如果我们在这方面带头行动,其余的人就会跟着来。

    If we take the lead in this , others may follow .

  21. 我们在一个破旧的帐篷里过了一夜。

    We spent the night in a ropy old tent .

  22. 我们在从伦敦到巴黎的飞行途中相遇。

    We met on a flight from London to Paris .

  23. 我们在商店买衣服时,孩子们无精打采地跟在后面。

    The kids trailed around after us while we shopped for clothes .

  24. 我们在敌人最意想不到的时候发动了进攻。

    We hit the enemy when they least expected it .

  25. 我们在星期五可以穿便服。

    We were allowed to wear casual dress on Fridays .

  26. 我们在机场买了许多免税商品。

    We bought a load of duty-frees at the airport .

  27. 我们在考试前加了几节课。

    We slotted in some extra lessons before the exam .

  28. 我们在讨论是否需要雇用更多员工。

    We were discussing the necessity of employing more staff .

  29. 我们在迪拜着陆后将更换机组人员。

    There will be a crew change when we land at Dubai .

  30. 戴维帮我们在后院搭了个棚子。

    David built us a shed in the back yard .