
  • 网络We will be better;we'll be better off;ll be better off
  1. 看着吧,在一块儿我们会更好。

    You 'll see , together , we 'll be stronger !

  2. 我在想如果你停止思考,我们会更好过些。

    I was thinking if you 'd stop thinking , we 'd all be better off .

  3. 我们会得到更好更有效的治疗。

    We 'd like to get therapies better and more effective .

  4. 如果给我换个新号码我们之间会更好。

    We 'll be even better when I get my new phone number .

  5. 也许我们会在更好的地方后会有期。

    Perhaps we 'll meet someday under better circumstances .

  6. 我相信土耳其的大奖赛我们会有更好的表现。

    I am confident that we will have a better race weekend in Turkey .

  7. 我们会想到更好的想法。

    We 'll think of better ideas .

  8. 好的,那我告诉他们,我们会拿出更好的计划。

    All right , I 'll tell them that we 've got a much better outline .

  9. 如果政府的资金面向的是学生,而不是高等院校,我们会有更好的教育和更公平的入学机会。

    We shall have better education and fairer access if government money is directed to students , not colleges .

  10. 但是这个过程中,我们会变得更好。肯尼迪任期内最让人头疼的是民权问题。

    But that will make us a better people when we do that . One of the most vexing issues John Kennedy faced while in office was civil rights .

  11. 有了一个新的竞争对手可能是一种变相的好事,因为这样我们会制造出更好的产品。

    Having a new competitor could be a blessing in disguise – we 'll make better products .

  12. 在与jets3t进行性能比较时,我们的性能会更好。

    When we 've measured performance against jets3t , we 've fared better .

  13. “我想我们会做的更好,”他说。

    " I think we can get better ," he says .

  14. 让我们期待明天会更好。

    Let 's hope the future will be better than ever .

  15. 船长说。没有他我们会做得更好。

    said the captain.Gentlemen , we 'll do better without him .

  16. 用内心说话,我们的环境会更好。

    Follow our hearts , our environment can be better .

  17. 如果你工作了,我们会相处的更好。

    We 'll get along better if you 're working .

  18. 在这样一个舞台上我们会发展得更好。

    We will develop better given such a stage . '

  19. 我相信将来我们会干得更好。

    I 'm sure we 'll do better in times to come .

  20. 在以后的发展中我们会做的更好。

    In the future development of our will do better .

  21. 我们今年会有更好的表现吗?

    Do we have a bigger stage this year ?

  22. 刘丽希望北京奥运会我们的成绩会更好。

    I hope we can have even more success at the Beijing Olympics .

  23. 一碟,一碟,再来一碟,人们期望我们会作得更好。

    Dish after dish after dish , People expects us to be better .

  24. 我们会做得更好,我们会拥有更多可剖析的东西。

    We get better at ' em , and we have more to dissect .

  25. 我认为他能继续在我们这里工作会更好。

    We regarded it as preferable that he should continue in his position with us .

  26. 我们应该会取得更好的成绩。

    That we 'll get better grades .

  27. 我们会拍出更好的电影。

    We will be making better movies .

  28. 如果我们相信明天会更好,今天就能承受艰辛。

    If we believe that tomorrow will be better , we can bear a hardship today .

  29. 在此更相信,有您的支持,我们会做得更好。

    We do belivev that , with your support , we can even do much better .

  30. 语莎饰品相信有您的支持与依赖,我们的明天会更好!

    Lufthansa language has · trust and rely on your support , we will be better tomorrow !