
  1. Huntandpeck(或者two-fingeredtyping、searchandpeck、EagleFinger)都指一种常见的打字方式,也就是每次单独按一个键的打字方式,即我们俗称的“二指禅”。

    Hunt and peck as search and peck or Eagle Finger , is a common form of typing , in which the typist presses each key individually .

  2. 他做了一个二指禅。

    He did a two-finger handstand .

  3. 泉州少林寺首次公开二指禅绝技之后,引起了社会关注。

    After the initial open forefinger deep meditation stunt of Shaolin Temple of Quanzhou , have caused the social concern .

  4. 我问:“所以,第一种禅坐带你上天堂,那么,第二种禅坐肯定带你……”

    I asked , " So if you go up to heaven in the first meditation , then , in the second meditation you must go down to ... ? "

  5. 藉著这样修习,我了悟佛陀有关初、二、三禅的教导。

    By practicing in this way , I understood the teachings of the Buddha concerning the lst , 2nd and3rd Jhana .