
  • 网络growing business
  1. 关于中国成长型企业实施ERP项目的研究

    The Research on ERP Projects in Chinese Growth Enterprises

  2. 指出成长型企业在进行CIS传播时,必须正确选择媒介,综合利用行之有效的传播手段,制定相应的传播策略。

    It indicates that the growth corporations must correctly choose media , comprehensively use effective means of communication and make appropriate communication strategies in CIS communication .

  3. 最后,与成长型企业合作或建立伙伴关系例如皇家飞利浦电子(royalphilipselectronics)与东软成立了合资公司,以加速获得市场准入,并提高技术与制造能力。

    Last , collaborate or partner with growth companies - such as Royal Philips Electronics , which formed a joint venture with Neusoft to gain accelerated market access and technical and manufacturing capabilities .

  4. TGE是第18家加入伦敦另项投资市场的德国企业。伦敦证交所正在德国进行营销活动,以彰显该市场作为成长型企业国际中心的潜力。

    TGE is the eighteenth company to join Aim from Germany , where the LSE has been running a marketing programme to highlight the market 's potential as an international centre for growth companies .

  5. 快速成长型企业如何成功经营企业的成长

    How do enterprises growing up fast successfully operate managing corporate growth

  6. 成长型企业经营者激励机制创新研究

    Studies on the Incentive Mechanism Innovation of Growth Enterprise 's Operator

  7. 成长型企业的三级跃迁发展模型

    On the Three Types Developing Model of Chinese Growing Enterprises

  8. 成长型企业价值评估方法比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Method of Value Evaluation for Growth-type Enterprise

  9. 成长型企业资金链断裂的成因分析

    Analysis of Fund Chain Break Origin in the Growth Enterprise

  10. 凯雷开始侧重于收购小型成长型企业的少数股权。

    Carlyle has focused on buying minority stakes in smaller growth companies .

  11. 成长型企业无形资产统计,不仅是中国面临的一个新课题,也是一个全球范围内重要且急迫的研究主题。

    Intangible asset statistics is a globally important and urgent research topic .

  12. 这正好符合成长型企业的成长特性。

    That answers precisely to growing enterprises ' " growth " characteristics . 3 .

  13. 华兴实业集团是一个充满发展潜力、具有良好发展前景的持续成长型企业。

    Huaxing Industrial Group is a growing enterprise with great potential and bright prospect .

  14. 成长型企业竞争战略研究

    The research of competition strategy of pullulating enterprise

  15. 成长型企业的未来基地。

    Growth enterprise 's future base .

  16. 成长型企业市场(指二板市场)

    Growing enterprise market ( GEM )

  17. 该种方法考虑了时间(包括短期、中期和长期)因素的影响,对成长型企业无形资产统计有所裨益。

    This method takes into consideration the time factors ( including short-term , medium-term and long-term ) .

  18. 成长型企业财务战略

    Financial Strategy of Growing Enterprise

  19. 但是成长型企业对发达世界的对手会有何影响呢?

    But what will be the impact of the growth companies on their rivals in the developed world ?

  20. 成长型企业无论是对宏观经济的良性增长还是资本市场的健康发展都具有十分重大的意义。

    The growth enterprise is extremely significant both to the capital market healthy development and the macroscopic economic growth .

  21. 本文认为,成长型企业的本质在于其高成长性,而企业的高速成长必然伴随着高风险。

    The nature of growth enterprise is high growth and they must be accompanied by the rapid growth of high-risk .

  22. 人们不愿意让成长型企业背负沉重债务。

    What you don 't want to do with growing companies is put a load of debt on the company .

  23. 致力于成长型企业品牌创建,持续提升企业品牌价值。

    Endeavored in building and improving growing enterprise brand , providing professional visual brand strategy , continual advance enterprise brand valuation .

  24. 第二部分,叙述成长型企业的管理理论,包括各个阶段的管理重点以及管理变革的策略和规律。

    The second part , recounted the basic management theory , concluding every stage management emphasis , management strategy and management regulars .

  25. 我们是一家盈利状态良好的成长型企业,在军事、工业和新兴商业领域有着越来越高的市场份额。

    We are a profitable , growing company with an ever expanding presence in the military , industrial and emerging commercial markets .

  26. 但在香港等按说很成熟的股市,却存在一些让人不安的做法。中国许多成长型企业都在香港上市。

    But there are worrying practices in supposedly mature stock markets such as Hong Kong , where many growing Chinese companies list their shares .

  27. 可持续成长型企业是以不断变革与创新能力为依托,在维护代内稳定成长的同时,适时实现代际推进的企业。

    Based on unceasing transformations and innovations , continuously-growing-type enterprise is the kind that makes growth improve steadily and realize " generation propelling " effectively .

  28. 文章最后对完善我国成长型企业经营者激励提了几点建议,以期能够对成长型企业经营者的激励有所帮助。

    Finally , the article put up some suggestions to perfect the operator incentive mechanism , in order to give some helps to our growth enterprise .

  29. 经过十余年的准备,我国创业板市场于2009年开始运行,为高成长型企业开通了一条顺畅的市场融资渠道。

    After ten years of preparation , growth enterprise market was operated in China in 2009 and opened a smooth channel for market financing for fast-developing enterprises .

  30. 特别是成长型企业,由于其的快速成长引发了诸多发展中的问题,使得建立培训体系的意义对其格外突出。

    Particularly growth-oriented enterprises , due to its rapid growth caused a lot of problems in the development , establishing training system of significance on the stand .